Lenora Speller left a comment for Swanda Warren-Hooks
"SCREAM!!!!   Swanda!  You did SUCH a wonderful job at Anointed Sole's dance conference.  Excellent teaching and object lessons, and I loved putting movement to scripture.  Keep up the good work - the LORD is well pleased."
Jul 9, 2011
Lenora Speller left a comment for Swanda Warren-Hooks
"Yes!  I viewed the website and registered - looking forward to it - thank you again!"
Jul 4, 2011
Lenora Speller left a comment for Swanda Warren-Hooks
Thank you so much!  I did not know Wake Chapel was hosting a dance conference!  Going to the website now...I will do my best to get there, and I will definitely spread the word!
Love you!"
Jul 1, 2011
Lenora Speller left a comment for Swanda Warren-Hooks
"You know I understand!  I am sure you all's program will usher in the presence of God and see burdens removed and yokes destroyed - Glory to God!  We will keep trying - love you!"
Mar 2, 2011
Lenora Speller left a comment for Swanda Warren-Hooks
"Hi Swanda Lovely!!
Please see the link below and let me know if your dance ministry would be willing to bless us!  If so, please come prepared to minister a song on "The Grace of God".  However, these songs are already being ministered on Grace:…"
Mar 1, 2011
Lenora Speller left a comment for Joan Lucas
"Red Ribbon"
Feb 9, 2011
Lenora Speller commented on Denise Bethea's blog post Watch Night Service
"Thank you SO much for this lesson!"
Jan 2, 2011
Lenora Speller left a comment for Swanda Warren-Hooks
"Yay!  Everything is a "go" for this evening, by the help of the Lord, but will definitely let you know if something changes!"
Dec 17, 2010
Lenora Speller left a comment for Swanda Warren-Hooks
"Yes!  As a matter of fact, when you and your dancers came out with church fans and sat in different places in the congregation, I was sitting on the row behind you!  LOL!  I didn't dare call you because I didn't want to distract you.
All of the…"
Dec 16, 2010
Lenora Speller left a comment for Swanda Warren-Hooks
"Swanda Love!  BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL!  The Christmas Program was great! The dancing was wonderful!  Thanks for the invitation - your church family was so welcoming! Glory to God!"
Dec 13, 2010
Lenora Speller left a comment for Swanda Warren-Hooks
"Hi Swanda!!! I have made note of your Christmas program - looking forward to it!"
Dec 2, 2010
Lenora Speller left a comment for Swanda Warren-Hooks
"Hi Love!

Wanted to let you know that our Christmas Program here at Cup of Salvation is Dec. 17 @ 7:00p - the children are dancing as well! Let me know what y'all are up to - smooches!"
Nov 22, 2010
Lenora Speller left a comment for Swanda Warren-Hooks
"Swanda Love! I am well, praise God! How was the Silent Scream Conference?"
Nov 16, 2010
Lenora Speller left a comment for telsamia harrison
"Talsamia, what a beautiful compliment - glory to God and thank you for blessing me with your encouragement!!"
Oct 19, 2010
Lenora Speller left a comment for Swanda Warren-Hooks
"Yay! That would be great - I would love for you to visit us, and I look forward to witnessing your dance ministry!"
Sep 23, 2010
Lenora Speller left a comment for Swanda Warren-Hooks
"Hey Lovely! I will not be at the "Silent Scream" Conference! : ( I had already signed up/committed to run a 5K in my hometown for a very good cause. I won't stop trying, though! Love you Sweetie!"
Sep 22, 2010

Find Professional Liturgical Dancers


About Dancing Preachers International Agency (DPI)


Dr. Apostle Sabrina McKenzie founded Dancing Preachers International in 2001. We train, educate and equip liturgical dancers worldwide


For the pass 21 years  Dancing Preachers International (DPI) is one of the leading Liturgical Dance Conferences World Wide. The Dancing Preachers have "Feet that Preach!" The DPI Conference has traveled to 23 Nations and all over the USA sharing the good news of Jesus through the arts!


Over 60 Workshops and 40 Instructors

Classes Such As:


Prophetic Dance

Praise & Worship






Why: We assist Clergy with Liturgical Dance for their worship experience.


The Dancing Preachers understand the dynamics of flowing with the praise team, choir or the entire worship and arts department.


We have professional, technically skilled dancers that have been biblical trained in how to set and prepare the atmosphere for Worship.




Award Shows



Any all special occasions



Contact Us


Contact our Dancing Preachers office

Founder Apostle Sabrina McKenzie


Phone: 909-318-7571

Visit Website: www.Internationaldancecommission.cc

Email: Apostle@idccoordinator.com




Dancing Preachers International


Are you ready Watch Night Service?

Are you Ready for an unforgettable worship experience?


Take your worship and arts department to the next level by incorporating

Professional and Anointed Liturgical Dancers from around the Globe.


We have dance ministers set up in each state to assist you with your liturgy needs.




Home Goings

Award Shows


Contact our Dancing Preachers office

Founder Apostle Sabrina McKenzie


Phone: 909-318-7571

Visit Website: www.Internationaldancecommission.cc

Email: Apostle@idccoordinator.com