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  • yes. spiritual covering.
  • Ms. Monika..yes, the minutes from the meeting will be posted soon when Valisha is finished with them. The call was also recorded so there will be a link to listen to the meeting as well. :-) How's that application coming along??
  • If you have your own website aside from this site or you're on a social network like MySpace or Facebook, you can create a badge and post it on your page to show others that you support IDC on Ning.
  • Yaaaaaaaay! I'm soooooo excited! Congratulations on taking that awesome step of faith. Believe me, you are not alone. We are all here to bear one another up and to support in evvery possible way. Just begin to walk in faith and just like Abraham, the Lord will SHOW you as you GO!!! I love it... e-mail me once you have completed the application at

    God's many blessings be upon you!

    In Christ's love,

  • Yay Moni, thank you for the birthday wishes... You ain't have to laugh before you said many years ago though!!! LOL :-) Love you dear, thank you!

    P.S. I wouldn't be your regional director if I didn't ask, why haven't you filled out an app to be an area coordinator? :-D
  • Lol! You will get the hang of being on the site, I did the same thing! There is a page to help you set up: click on 'My Page' and it will walk you through the steps. Love ya lady!
  • Hey Monica!
    Thank you for joining the Region Group. I'm so glad that we are connecting. I look forward to working with you and if you have anymore questions please feel free to ask!! Be sure to take a few minutes to post your ministry bio and some pics so we can have an opportunity to know a little bit about you and the ministry the Lord has given you stewardship over at this time!!! God bless you sis

    In Christ's love,
    Assistant East Region Coordinator
  • Happy Birthday Monika
  • found you on the IDC girl! I love it!!!!!!
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Find Professional Liturgical Dancers


About Dancing Preachers International Agency (DPI)


Dr. Apostle Sabrina McKenzie founded Dancing Preachers International in 2001. We train, educate and equip liturgical dancers worldwide


For the pass 21 years  Dancing Preachers International (DPI) is one of the leading Liturgical Dance Conferences World Wide. The Dancing Preachers have "Feet that Preach!" The DPI Conference has traveled to 23 Nations and all over the USA sharing the good news of Jesus through the arts!


Over 60 Workshops and 40 Instructors

Classes Such As:


Prophetic Dance

Praise & Worship






Why: We assist Clergy with Liturgical Dance for their worship experience.


The Dancing Preachers understand the dynamics of flowing with the praise team, choir or the entire worship and arts department.


We have professional, technically skilled dancers that have been biblical trained in how to set and prepare the atmosphere for Worship.




Award Shows



Any all special occasions



Contact Us


Contact our Dancing Preachers office

Founder Apostle Sabrina McKenzie


Phone: 909-318-7571

Visit Website:





Dancing Preachers International


Are you ready Watch Night Service?

Are you Ready for an unforgettable worship experience?


Take your worship and arts department to the next level by incorporating

Professional and Anointed Liturgical Dancers from around the Globe.


We have dance ministers set up in each state to assist you with your liturgy needs.




Home Goings

Award Shows


Contact our Dancing Preachers office

Founder Apostle Sabrina McKenzie


Phone: 909-318-7571

Visit Website:
