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  • Please call me at your convenience at 617-682-6739 I have alot of questions about everything. Juanetta Noble I would really appreciate it. It is very important. Thank you for your assistance in advance.

  • Hello Ms McFarlane

                      I am Looking for a dance team for a Black History Program in Douglasville Georgia on February 25, 2012 at 5pm. Could you please contact me 504/258/6838

  • Hi Valisha ,this is Valetta  Thompson, I hope you still remember me , I am coming to DPI 2012 and I saw you needed some volunteers in different areas , since I will be there early  (July 27th) I assist you when  I get there ,however, my interest is in the praise and worship ,so if I could assist in that area that would be great. I look forward to hear from you in the near future.

  • Hello Valisha,


    God bless you in your endeavors of leading throughout the world with demonstration of God's movements. I am very excited to have another opportunity to become a potential coordinator. I have registered now and would like to know what my next instructions will be so I will not be left behind on any assignments or requirements to graduate. Please give me the information as soon as possible and if I have any questions who should I refer them to and are there any numbers that I need to have on hand just in case a need a quick response to a question. Thank you for all your assistance with my process of becoming a potential coordinator. I appreciate your time and effort in making it understanding and a encouraging experience for the Lord's work to be done throughout. Sorry could I fax the application to you or Apostle Pastor Sabrina.

    Blessings my beloved, Juanetta Noble

  • Greetings Valisha. Happy New Year.

    I need your help with something that I have planned for our London Chapter meeting. Let me know when you are free so we can talk.


    Marita x

  • Hello Varlisha, this is Juanetta Noble from Mass. I have recently moved to Quincy, Mass. and would like to follw up with the potential area coordinator position in leadership now. Could you help me with the process and what to do regarding my status or requirements for this. Look forward to fellowshipping with IDC and I did get in on the prayers last Sunday which was a blessings and will continue to follow up with IDC upcoming events as well as try to have a workshop/ conference in my area soon. God bless.

  • Blessings Sister, 

    can you please send me the minutes for Monday's meeting. I don't know how I missed it, but please help me out as soon as you can. Peace of my friend Jesus be with you!!

  • Thank you!

  • 4478966031?profile=original

  • Thank You so much.. I caught the end. I think I am getting in order, thank you for your help 

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Find Professional Liturgical Dancers


About Dancing Preachers International Agency (DPI)


Dr. Apostle Sabrina McKenzie founded Dancing Preachers International in 2001. We train, educate and equip liturgical dancers worldwide


For the pass 21 years  Dancing Preachers International (DPI) is one of the leading Liturgical Dance Conferences World Wide. The Dancing Preachers have "Feet that Preach!" The DPI Conference has traveled to 23 Nations and all over the USA sharing the good news of Jesus through the arts!


Over 60 Workshops and 40 Instructors

Classes Such As:


Prophetic Dance

Praise & Worship






Why: We assist Clergy with Liturgical Dance for their worship experience.


The Dancing Preachers understand the dynamics of flowing with the praise team, choir or the entire worship and arts department.


We have professional, technically skilled dancers that have been biblical trained in how to set and prepare the atmosphere for Worship.




Award Shows



Any all special occasions



Contact Us


Contact our Dancing Preachers office

Founder Apostle Sabrina McKenzie


Phone: 909-318-7571

Visit Website:





Dancing Preachers International


Are you ready Watch Night Service?

Are you Ready for an unforgettable worship experience?


Take your worship and arts department to the next level by incorporating

Professional and Anointed Liturgical Dancers from around the Globe.


We have dance ministers set up in each state to assist you with your liturgy needs.




Home Goings

Award Shows


Contact our Dancing Preachers office

Founder Apostle Sabrina McKenzie


Phone: 909-318-7571

Visit Website:
