3 Ways To Grow In Love With God!!

3 Ways To Grow In Love With God!!

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3 Ways To Grow More In Love With God


Persevere through trials and adversity

We can grow in our love for God is by persevering through trials and adversity. When we face difficulties and challenges in life, it can be difficult to keep going. But if we persevere, it will show that we are committed to following the Lord no matter what.


Grow in loving God by standing against temptation

We can also grow in loving God by standing against temptation. When we are tempted to sin, we need to resist the temptation and flee from it.

In James 4:7 it says, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

When we stand firm against temptation, we are choosing to love God rather than to sin against Him. We are also showing that we are committed to living for Him.




Die to self daily and live for Christ alone

A large part of the Christian life involves dying to yourself and choosing to live for Jesus alone. This means saying “no” to your flesh and following the Spirit instead. It means putting God first in everything you do.

In Luke 9:23 it says, “And he said to all, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.'”

When we deny ourselves, we are choosing to put God first. We are also choosing to live for Him instead of for ourselves.


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