5 Easy Steps to get out of the “rut” and back into Ministry

By: Apostle Ellaysa Newell


Stagnation (aka "getting in a rut") can be a big obstacle whether you’ve been in ministry for years or seeking the Lord’s will concerning what ministry you should be a part of or even how to get started.  As CEO of Perfected Praise Dance Ministry and Perfected Praise Dance Center and fulfilling various capacities in other ministries as well as secular jobs, I’ve worked with lay members, pastors, Bishops, Apostles, Evangelists, teachers, community activists and city/state officials. So, as member, teacher, administrator, founder, and dancer, I’ve certainly experienced the lack-of-motivation monster on more than one occasion.

To help combat “the monster”, here are five easy steps to help you kick yourself into gear and be more successful in ministry!

1. Aim to surprise your pastor, leader (s), and people in your ministry/professional/family network often… in a good way. Even in small ways, you can make yourself -- and ultimately your value to your ministry, friends and family – stand out. People appreciate people who appreciate them!

2. Take inventory of your T.A.G.S. (Talents, Abilities, and Gifts) Make a detailed list, including measurable metrics that help convey the list. This will enable you to be more focused in your prayers and in your willingness to assist. When you know what you are good at, it’s easier for you to help folks.

3. Take inventory of your weaknesses. Make a list of areas that are important to your ministry, and that you want to improve upon or become more knowledgeable in. Every leader continues to learn and grow over a lifetime. Be a lifelong learner.

4. Find ways to improve. Look at 1) your T.A.G.S. and what jobs are compatible to them and 2) your weaknesses. Don’t be afraid to visit the library, or to take on a mentor to help you in new or old areas, or even pursue classes at local churches, colleges, etc. to expand your skill set and areas of expertise.

5. Set goals. Start with 5 reachable goals and after you accomplish those goals add from there. Your 1st 5 goals should be small so that you can reach them and reach them quickly. Your next 5 goals can be both small and big. Make sure you put a recurring appointment on your calendar to review once a month to see where you are with the progress of your goals, cross off ones you’ve done, and add new ones that come up.

Truly, just being aware that you have a deciding role in how successful you are in pursuing God and ministry can help you BE successful and pull you out of your “rut”. Your mind and imagination are your most powerful tools. “So a man thinketh, so is he.” Proverb 23:7. Think positive and always in a forward-moving progression. Yes, from time to time we encounter situations and circumstances that are out of our control such as bad attitudes (of others), bad economy, death of loved ones, etc. but it's important to remember that YOU can help YOU be successful by praying, staying positive and always depositing seeds now for your future tomorrow!

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