A church divided

8 hours a day I’m watching CNN from my desk as I work.  The earth is literally awaiting the Sons and Daughters of God to arise and save them.  It turns my stomach to see what’s going on in the world and also what’s going on in the church. In the church we have created our own religion equipped with conferences, fast, banquets, laws of do’s and don’ts, and God aint in none of it. He showed me that the body of Christ is operating in the realm of FAMILIAR Spirits.   Familiar Spirits?  This spirit causes one to stay in a place that feels “right”.  When God moves he does it like a car that moves from street to street and is on its way out of town.  A familiar spirit will keep you on one street and delude you into thinking that you are moving at a rapid speed.  Prophecies and prayer are like bread, they mold when you hold on to them.  What our God says comes to past because he cannot lie.  His WORD is also sharper than any two edged sword.  A familiar Spirit will tell you the same Prophecy many times in different ways.  That Spirit does that to make you cling to what it said (The Prophecy) verses clinging to the Word of God.  This is why we are in a World War against each other.  The church is divided in herself.  Any time there is a division in the mind of a body this is when the spirit of Schizophrenia comes in and several different personalities arise.  The dance ministry is mad at the pastor, the pastor is mad at the deacons, the deacons are mad at the tech crew, the tech crew is mad at the choir. Why? Everyone wants to do what they want to do that’s why.  TOO MANY MINDS (HEADS).  Then you have people like me who don’t want no parts of the church.  But the Lord is using me and many others to bring the church back together again.  I’m not concerned about who gets offended because the Lord is my Sheppard and I don’t want to offend Him by being scared of people who are not real servants.  Let’s pray for Us the Church.

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  • Christina!!!!Wow!!!! You are so right. I myself had to pull away from the church for a while to really see how the enemy is attacking us.  It's worst than you think.  And about the church looking to the world I can't believe you said that!  You are right again.  The world has a vision and they are prospering in that thing.  But on the flip side the word says " Upon this rock(Christ) I build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it".  We have like minds my sister which is the mind of Christ.  Lets make it happen....
  • This was really encouraging & everybody's comments too! ~ Whoo~hoo!
  • Man! Robert! ~ This is CONFIRMATION of some seriously private prayer time I've been having for weeks now ~ & you're the only one confirming everything from the Intercession about the Schizophrenia spirit to the divisions (I don't tell anybody when things are that deep!) ... and even today The Holy Spirit was comforting & convicting me that if the church doesn't develop all the talents of the sheep, how can it be the example, especially the TRAINING and EQUIPPING example to a lost and dying world. Much too often, the church relies on the world to "equip" itself, because of all the world already has set up. May the Lord truly bring a conviction and creativity to its leaders, separating the lazy and unwilling, so that His body can shine the brightest, loving people enough to nurture who they really are...I have been fasting from going to church for months to truly seek His face about this, praying & fasting how He might have me serve on the inside...it's rough! ~
  • Amen Denise!
  • Amen.  The first shall be last and the last shall be first....and that's what I love about God because He does not operate according to finite minds....just when we think we know Him or just what He is doing......He shows us just the opposite.  This is definately a purging season, I believe.....but as the Word says....let the tares grow with the wheat.....the Lord Himself will do the separating...we just have to keep our hearts, minds, and spirits stayed focused on the prize.....His name is Jesus!
  • AMEN!
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