A renewed Focus

Sometime we go through things and not sure why, how, or where this will take us, but remember who is in charge.  Without much notice I was relocated to Tennessee, this caused me to have to make some serious changes in my life, I was upset, nervous, and frustrated, but GOD! has a plan and I am so greatfule that his plan is greater than my own.  I have been blessed to find a church home that not only embrased me but has just began forming a dance ministry.  I met with the Pastor and we are discussion with bring this thing to full Praise! 

I have been blessed with my first home purchase, new car, and so many more. 


So let me encourge you to keep giving him praise and no matter what your going through, remember is PLAN IS SO MUCH GREATER THAN OURS!


Be blessed.

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  • Felicia, WOW!

    I am so so so excited, and proud of my sister in Christ.  You just don't know how your words just touched my heart.  I know that satan is busy but sometimes we need to be reminded that we must go through the test in order to have a testimony.  Thank you so very much and you can count on my prayers.  Also Miriam is correct, don't hold back your worship it is for GOD not the people, the people will see GOD through your worship.  You can be the blessing they need to encourage them to press forward with the ministry.  I feel so blessed to be a part of such a strong, prayerful organization, and I thank you all for being who you are in GOD!

  • DON"T HOLD Back!!!!!  Let them see what God is about.  Their worship won't be like yours, but what  they can expect to experience when their heart and soul belongs to God!!!!!
  • I have been and I am still experiencing some serious life changes. I too have joined a new ministry this past March and our Pastor has released us to start a dance ministry. As soon as I agreed to be a part of this ministry the storms intensified!!! Please be aware that the enemy doesn't want worship to go forth. So I "PRESS"! Inspite of my circumstances!! I know that G-D is working it out for my good. When I feel that all hope is lost...G-D has a ram in the bush! I stopped working in May to start my own business. Everything started to go down hill due to finances. I help on and believed by faith that G-D had called me for this purpose! In the past 4 months, I have aquired a building( 1500 sq feet. The owner liked  my grant and allowed me to pay $100 per month until January with no utlities or internet fee!!!!, have free access to a 18-passenger bus( just took the afterschool children to the Zoo on Monday. I get free tickets to over 70 locations throughout Ga) and am being considered to recieve a grant(31,000.00) to fund my program next month! So, when you step out on faith sometimes the enemy will try to tell you that you are gonna lose everything! And some things you will lose but GOD has more things in store for you that will blow your mind!!!!!

    As far as the dance ministry is concerned,  I am very humbled and excited to witness the worship experience of this ministry go from Glory to Glory! I will keep you in my prayers and please keep me in your prayers. I come from a liturgical dance and Davidic Worship background. My skill set is in ballet and pagentry. This is not the experience of everyone that I am coming in contact with. Pray that I do not expect others to wear my amour. I also pray for wisdom and direction in leadership. In the meantime, please pray that I hold back the winds of my excitement until everyone is on the same page:)

  • Amen Sistah - God knows how to do it better than we ever could.
  • Let HIM work it out!!!!  Amen!
  • Keep the Faith sister. Congrats! God Bless
  • PS...Be ready for Next Summer, Memphis will do it BIG!
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