Last night I had a dream. From my memory I recall being about six to seven months pregnant. I was very busy cleaning the house and being constructive with my time. My husband came in and I recall him saying baby I don't see how you do all that you do in your condition. At that moment I remember I was bending down picking up some trash I had swept together, then I stood up and put the trash in the garbage can. My husband then came and stood behinde me and began to rub my protruding belly. He said "this is going to be a big one". My husband then left the scene, after that I remember a man that I do not know approaching me seeming to be nice and helpful but it was all an act. All of a sudden a figure in the form of a woman steppped out from behinde this man and tired to attack me. It was black from head to toe with horns and you could not see a face. This figure began kicking and pulling at me in a wildly fashion. I was trying to fight back I noticed that this thing was aiming at my pregnant belly so I did a crouching move to cover my stomach so that I would not get kicked in my belly. My husband then hears the commotion and comes to my rescue. The man runs off and leaves this thing to fend for itself which my husband over powers and it just disappears.After the defeat I immediately awoke from my dream. I looked over my husband was wide awake watching TV. Before I can even get it out and ask the Lord what does this mean he broke it down for me. The Lord said my daughter I have impregnanted you with a mission to carry out for the uplifting of my Kingdom in doing so your husband is going to be there to guard your back every step of the way. The woman figure is the enemy that is going to try and come in the form of a woman to fight you during your season of preparing to give birth to the mission. Just like in the dream your husband will be your armor and come to your rescue making sure that no one or thing will harm you during your time of pregnancy making sure that your mission will be completed from start to finish.This dream came about the same night after having a meeting with my sister in Christ on somethings God has began a work in both of us. I am honored and blessed to be a chosen vessel to do the work of the Lord our God. For many are called but few a chosen! Grace & Peace Yatae Bell
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  • Grace & Peace to you and yours Sis. Pope. For I have FAITH in our Heavenly Father knowing that he whom have set the course will provide everything needed every step of the way. Be Blessed, Yatae
  • Minister...thank you for sharing this prophetic dream. It is amazing; my mother/apostle taught & preached on this very subject the past 2 sundays. She ended it this last Sunday with travailing and pushing/pressing. God has prepared the way for you and protection (husband) for you to give birth. I touch and agree that it will come forth and not be aborted or come pre-maturely or with complications. The blood of Jesus covers and protects you, your husband and birthing(mission). I pray all...ALL that you is needed to birth/deliver this mission is already there and on the way. No hinderances, distractions, pains, frustrations or distractions; they're bound and rebuke in the powerful, never failing name of Jesus.

    Blessings to you and your family.....

    La Swan
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