Blaming Others Is Proof You Have Not Yet Accepted Responsibility__________________________________________________"'Yes,' Adam admitted, 'but it was the woman You gave me who brought me the fruit, and I ate it.' Then the Lord God asked the woman, 'How could you do such a thing?' 'The serpent tricked me,' she replied. 'That's why I ate it.'"Genesis 3:12-13 (NLT)___________________________________________________On President Harry S. Truman's desk in the White House, a sign stated, "The Buck Stops Here." Many of you remember that plaque which sat humbly on his desk, reminding us that we must take sole responsibility for our lives, refusing to blame anyone or anything for our present state of being.In Biblical times, Israelite kings held several crucial responsibilities: commander of the army, supreme judge, absolute master, and imposer of taxes. Some kings blamed others for their rebellion, as in the case of Israel's first king, Saul. King David, however, accepted complete responsibility for his sin, and was called a man after God's own heart.The blame game began in the garden when a victim mentality befell humanity. To this day, that mentality afflicts mankind. People believe they are not accountable for their own failure. They blame dysfunctional parents, overwhelming circumstances, insensitive teachers, and anyone else who had a particular role in their life. This conveniently removes the guilt of unfulfilled responsibilities from them.Winning in life is not hard. Doing it God's way may take longer than we prefer, but it is the safest route. God gave men the power to choose their thoughts. Therefore, we cannot fail without our consent,and we cannot succeed without our participation. We must use the seed in our own hand. Success is not an accident, but neither is failure. Follow the example of King David and stop blaming others. Make the decision today by saying, "The Buck Stops Here."Daily ConfessionFather, I thank You that You cannot be mocked. Whatever I sow is what I reap. I thank You for giving me the power to create my future with my seed.
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