Failure Comes Alive The Moment You Lose Focus__________________________________________________"What I always feared has happened to me. What I dreaded has come to be. I have no peace, no quietness. I have no rest; instead, only trouble comes."Job 3:25-26 (NLT)___________________________________________________A certain vivacious little girl was born with the rare defect of fused legs, sometimes known as the "mermaid syndrome," but her Peruvian parents did not fear. Instead, they allowed doctors to perform the risky surgery of separating her tiny legs, the outcome a great success. And it's no wonder - they had named the child Milagros, focusing upon the "miracle" that they believed would ultimately come to pass.In the Biblical account of Job, we see that rather than dwelling upon the good things of life, Job began to focus on loss. His broken focus invited fear to show its menacing face, which is why he candidly declared, "What I have always feared has happened to me." Though Job was a righteous man in every aspect, when he decided to focus on the possibility of losing his splendor, he opened the door of fear to overtake him. Do you live in fear? Do you focus on the possibility of negative things coming to your life? If you choose to focus on the "what-ifs" of life, you'll continue to exist as a hostage to fear, incarcerated within the solitary prison of pessimistic dread.Jesus did something quite different. The "what-ifs" were of no concern to Him. He trusted in the faithfulness of God-confidently recognizing that He himself had been endowed with the ability to determine the outcome of His life through obedience.Remember, God is the one who calls into existence what never existed before. You can do the same. So change your focus today, and believe with the fervor of little Milagros' parents, directing your sights completely upon the God who will never, ever fail.Daily ConfessionFather, I thank You that You are my God and that You care for me. I choose to focus on Your promises of eternal life even while I live in this world.
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  • We shall not lose focus. We shall not be as Peter who requested to walk on the water but began to sink at the moment that he diverted his focus to the circumstances instead of the instructions. We shall be steadfast! "Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised." - Romans 4:20-21
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