Fragrance of Movement

We’ve all heard the song, “Alabaster Box.” It was popular for a number of years. Maybe some of you have danced to it at one time or another. I’ve seen several dance renditions that touched me deeply each time. Lately, I’ve been studying the book of Matthew and am now in chapter 26 where the woman broke the vial of expensive perfume on Jesus’ head. While reading it this morning, I began to ponder about anointed dance ministry and how it relates.

One of the keys to an anointed dance or dance ministry is not trying to emulate or be just like another person or doing someone else's ideas, although it is good to learn from other’s examples and experience. The key, though is like this woman who poured out her expensive perfume with full abandon, not being concerned about the thoughts of others because her complete, total and undivided focus was entirely on Jesus. 

When we minister in dance or administrate our dance ministry, we should keep our eyes focused only on Jesus and not be concerned about what others think, dancing with full abandon and eyes on our beloved. It is breath taking and life changing to watch a worshiper be joyfully elated and rapturously in love with Jesus. It is in the midst of that full and total abandon, the outpouring of our gift at the feet of our Lord, where the anointing dwells.

Her gift container had to fracture, yield, give way, crack and go into pieces, to be poured out. Have we experienced this fracturing or cracking in our own lives? Most of my life, I’ve endured trials of many kinds (physical, financial, relational, etc.). The Lord (through worship and the Word) has always been my focus, through which I found the strength to make it another day. 

In Mark 14:3, the expensive, carved marble jar containing the perfume had to be broken in order for its contents to be spilled out. So too our lives need to be broken and healed - really, continually broken to be poured out fully. If there is still pride, selfishness, fear, etc., we need to die to these things daily, filling the spaces with more of Jeflowersus. Then when we pour out our gift it will be His fragrance that fills the atmosphere. Our life’s journey of testing and trials, while always gaining the Lord’s strength in our weakness, leads to a life of brokenness and healing. 

Once we are spilled out, pouring our fragrance of movement, it will be a sweet perfume, filling the atmosphere. It is in this atmosphere of God’s anointed presence where there comes joy, praise, healing and deliverance. This is the ultimate result and goal of our worship dance and whereby the much sought after anointing rests. 

Loved ones, we need to be broken and spilled out, not being concerned about the thoughts of others or even the result, but keeping our entire focus on Jesus when we dance. The God-produced results will be worth every heartache, every trial, every expense. There is nothing more valuable than a sweet perfume of full abandoned worship to our Lord. 

Many Blessings,
Lynn Hayden
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  • Thank you so much for this word!
  • love it!
  • Sure. You may put it there, if you like. Please include Thanks so much and many blessings! Lynn
  • Lynn, would you like to share this again - in the IDC newsletter?
  • Thank you. I'm glad you all have been blessed...
  • AMEN!!
  • Today shared your Blog locally; also here! It is beautifully written and a great peace to my soul ♥

    Ruth ~ eStudy

  • YES!
  • that was a beautiful teaching......i want to be continually broken, poured out, and healed  before my King....thanks so much, that was blessed.....
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