When I first saw any dance, flags, and banners, I was at the Handmaidens World Convention in 1996.  For two hours, I heard beautiful praise and worship while the banners and dance flowed.  While I sat there, the Lord told me I would be doing the same thing.  Our specific call then is that He will give a banner to those who fear Him, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Ps. 60:4.  We teach workshops on how to and when to flow every time a musician strikes a note on the keyboard or sings a song. Pat and Gary.
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  • A few ideas for a workshop would be to have registration on Friday morning at 8am. with classes starting at 9am.  If you had 3 categories - liturgical, mime, and flags.  Then lunch until around 1:30pm.  You would pick up the same classes or add more for the afternoon session.  At night is open for praise and worship with a production or two.  Then on Sat., it would be repeated or added as Part 2 of your previous day, both morning and afternoon.  At night again, you would have more or different productions in between praise and worship.  We usually do the Bride and Groom scene with much pageantry.  People recommitted their lives to Jesus and took communion while worship music played. We have certain pageant numbers, we show how to incorporate men in all productions - we teach on all the symbols and colors.  Gary and I perform to the Love Story song.  One of the participants in Austin TX  had a full vision of what was happening spiritually while we danced to this 3-minute song.  We have worked with 4 other conference leaders who have invited us to participate in their yearly conferences.  Two more were added from the Austin connections. Keep writing.  You are on track.  We'll take back the arts from the enemy and bring it back to the church.  Pat and Gary - Wings of Praise Banner/Dance Ministry, Cedar Falls, IA 

  • Yvette - my first experience was at a End-Time Handmaidens Convention where the flags and banners just flowed with what the worship leader was singing.  They fit the song, came in unannounced, moved through the auditorium, ministering to the eyegate and then left.  What an experience. I went every year for 5 years and it was always like this.  When the Lord told me I would be doing the same thing, I brought the camcorder and taped every move they made.  For the first two years, we built the ministry supplies while performing to a production once a month. Then, when we made enough stuff to minister with while the praise and worship music played, the Lord said it's time to come out every Sunday morning just like the Handmaidens did.  Amazing things happened after that.  We work full time in this ministry, now - making banners, flags and costumes for churches all over America and being invited to help with conferences while music is played.  The biggest part of the ministry is having a personal relationship with the Lord so you know when to come out , and with what to carry, and when to leave.  A girl in Chicago sent a picture of a flower girl, dropping flowers at the base of stairs going up to Heaven.  The Lord said the meaning of that picture was to show you that ministering with such items ushers people up into the heavenlies.  We have never left the ministry to this day because of that - it's been since 1996.  We teach workshops also.  However we can help you, let us know.  You will minister to the Lord in the Inner Court if you go all the way with them. God bless you, Yvette, Pat and Gary


  • This is great.  My Senior Pastor wants me to organize several workshops.  Unfortunately, I don't know where to begin.  Not much information on Google.  Need to write a proposal so we can start fundraising efforts for our dance ministry.  The first workshop would be liturgical first and then mime, flags, etc.  Any ideas or a format that can be used? 
  • Oh this is awesome! I find this one of the greatest joys of dance!
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