God Will Do For You What You Make Happen For Others__________________________________________________"Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth,the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free."Ephesians 6:8 (KJV)___________________________________________________From the very foundation of the universe, God established laws that could never be broken. One of those governing laws is the law of sowing and reaping. This law is an avid expression of God's own faithfulness to mankind. It is impossible for God to deny Himself, so He made it impossible for us to ever bypass the law of sowing and reaping. We cannot escape from the wondrous blessings, or the possibly grim consequences, of our actions.In 1955, as an increase of tension broadened into an Egyptian naval blockade of Israel's shipping, Major General Moshe Dayan was called back from vacation, fully aware that sowing hostilities on the part of the Egyptians could very well reap the appetite for war. In an article published in "Foreign Affairs," General Dayan wrote, "...the air is heavy on both sides of the frontier, and peace hangs on a tenuous thread."Now, some people are destined for misfortune because they totally ignore this divinely universal law. But you and I can be different. We can use this principle that, "whatever we make happen for others God makes happen for us," to better ourselves and those around us.* What do you desire for this life?* Do you make that very thing happen for those around you?There is no surer way to experience the life of your dreams than by following this principle. May God help you to sow your life now, so that your future only reaps great rewards!Daily ConfessionFather, I trust that whatever I make happen for others, You make happen for me. I thank You for giving me a right heart as I sow into the lives of those around me.Re-post from Dr. Robb Thompson
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