G U I D A N C EAuthor UnknownWhen I meditated on the wordGUIDANCE, I kept seeing "dance" at theend of the word. I rememberreading that doing God's will is a lotlike dancing. When two peopletry to lead, nothing feels right. Themovement doesn't flow withthe music, and everything is quiteuncomfortable and jerky.When one person realizes andlets the other lead, both bodies beginto flow with the music.One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudgeto the back or by pressinglightly in one direction or another. It'sas if two become one body,moving beautifully. The dance takessurrender, willingness, andattentiveness from one person and gentleguidance and skill from the other.My eyes drew back to the wordGUIDANCE. When I saw "G," I thought ofGod, followed by "u" and "i.""God, "u" and "i" "dance." God, you,and I dance! Thisstatement is what guidance means to me.As I lowered my head, Ibecame willing to trust that I would getguidance about my life. Onceagain, I became willing to let God lead.My prayer for you today isthat God's blessings and mercies be uponyou and your family on thisday and everyday. May you abide in Himas He abides in you.Dance together with God, trusting Him to leadand to guide you through eachseason of your life.I hope you dance!!!G-U-I-D-A-N-C-EBlessings AbunDantly - Denise (I dedicate this one to Carmeletta)
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  • AMEN!!
  • I never thought of or saw that word in that way. So many times we seek God for Guidance. I love it, and will use this from now on. GOD U & I Dance!!! Amen
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