Help with Purchasing a Shofar

Hey Everyone,


The Lord has blessed me to start an adult dance ministry at my current church in October, 2011. We are in the process of working on a warfare piece. I am trying to find a shofar at a reasonable price (we don't have any funds). Does anyone know where I can compare prices? Or is there a ministry that I could contact to have a shofar donated to us? Please advise.. Thank you for your information in advance..


Miracles & Blessings,


Lady (Latrice) Byrd

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  • I just purchased one from (yemenite-21").  Very reasonable  -bags also cheaper.

  • Great.. I will check into all the suggestions listed on the blog.. Thank you all.. I have searched some but not all..

  • We purchased ours from after spending alot of time comparing prices and researching information.  The one good thing about purchasing it from them is that it will be clean although you will still have to rinse it with some mint scented alcohol.

  • Thanks Rosanda, I will check it out.. Pretty name by the way!

  • Try or  Can't say whether they would donate though.

    Rose Richardson

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