Hold on - God is Faithful.

(Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. ~ Hebrews 11:1)

I don't know exactly who this is for but I know, I myself have been going through some serious challenges. I also know that after the rain and the storm, the sun will shine again and that sometimes, there's a rainbow after the rain. I know that times may be difficult for you or maybe not for you or someone close to you, but I know someone somewhere is going through a trial, a tribulation, and/or a test. If not now - one will be coming. Although things may seem (false appearance) bleak and you may even feel discouraged at times with whatever it is your may be going through. I want to encourage you today to Hold on! Don't give up! and to Hang on in there. You may feel like you are all alone and it may seem like no one cares, but guess what? God is Still on the Throne! I am a firm believer that - just like the good Daddy our God is - He is going to take care of and fulfill your every need. Then He always go beyond that and throws in some of those wants too! (You can Praise right there! :>)

Just know that He knows (omniscient) all , He sees all, and He is every-where (omnipresent) and He has all power (omnipotent) in His hands. We do not serve a God who is not compassionate and void of understanding our feelings and what we are going through. He is closer to us than our next breath and He longs just for us to talk with Him. He will stick closer to us than any brother or sistah. Just know that God is going to turn it all around. This is only a test. When we pass - and we will pass, we will move on to the next level. There is something on the other side of all the pain you have suffered and endured, there is something there with all the sleepless nights that you have encountered, there is something there on the other side of "all the tears you have cried. It's something there on the other side more greater than anything that we have gone through. You know that weeping may endure for a night but "Joy" cometh in the the morning.

So lift up your heads O Ye Gates and be ye lifted up Ye everlasting doors and the King of Glory "Shall" come in. Who is the King of Glory? The Lord Strong and Mighty. Who is the King of Glory? - The Lord Mighty in Battle! The Lord is your life and your salvation who shall you fear. In the time of trouble He shall Hide you. Who abideth in the shadow of the Almighty? You and I do.

We are living in some trying times, Yes? If we look with our physical eyes what is - then we can easily get discouraged. That's looking at any and everything around you that is "wrong" - but we know that without "Faith" it is impossible to please God. Now, I know what Mama and Daddy was talking about. You live long enough you will learn how to lean and depend on Jesus. You know He's our Friend and He's our guide. Know that the Lord is a keeper, a mind reglator and a heart-fixer. He is our all and all. I will leave you this old hymn. I know, we don't sing them much anymore but I keep them close to me because they seem to sooth my soul. I hope it helps someone out there and encourages you to hang on in there - I am. It's called: God Will Take Care of You: - Don't be dismayed whatever be tide (whatever you may be going through), God will take care of you. Beneath His wings of Love abide, God will take care of you. Through days of toil when heart doth fail (don't lose hope) God will take care of you. When dangers fierce your path assail. God will take care of you. All you may need, He will provide. God will take care of you. Nothing you ask will be denied. God will take care of you. No matter what the test. God will take care of you. Lean weary one, upon His breast. God will take care of you. God will take care of you, through every day, all of the way. He will take care of you. God will take care of you.

Until next time - Blessings AbunDantly


"Remember there is someting far greater on the otherside - and when you come out you will shine just like pure gold."

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  • Thanks. I needed this today. It is so true. Just had to be reminded.
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