IDC 5th Anniversary Newsletter

What effect has IDC had on your life and ministry?

Can you remember your first IDC or Dancing Preachers experience?

Give us -

  • FIVE memories
  • FIVE ideas generated
  • FIVE blessings received
  • FIVE testimonies
  • FIVE photos (tagged!)
  • FIVE gifts you would put into an IDC treasure chest

in honor of our 5th anniversary!

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  • I attended my first DP in 2005 it was a life changing experience, it has now impacted over 100 dance ministries in California!
    1 memory was Min. Sabrina preached my life at DP and when i got back home i had a powerful breakthrough!
    2. Min Sabrina coming to Calif in 2006, 2007 and 2008 and 2010 shaking up our City!!!
    3. IDC Feb 6 2010 Min Sabrina speaking to the men and all of them broke out krumpin and tearing the devils head off in the middle of her message!
    4. DP Barbados, the Holy Spirit showed up on Purple night and His Glory was revealed!
    5. A Calif bond through IDC, Unity restored
    IDC Coordniator for Cali for 4 years have brought over 50 people to DP and
  • Five memories from my First Dancing Preachers experience - Dancing Preachers Conference 2005

    (1) Due to the devastation from Hurricane Katrina our ministry was dispersed throughout 3 different states, and our leaders were out of the country. We weren't sure when we would get clearance to enter our city or even if we had something to return to, but there were no thoughts of canceling our reservations.

    (2) We finally got into our church to get our garments and instruments, only thing was that there was no electricity and we had a big ministry with LOTS of stuff. The only thing we could do was grab as much as we could and sort it out when we got to the next functioning city.

    (3) We were supposed to wear all white for one of the evening services, except we had put our white garments in the cleaners before the mandatory evacuation and didn't have a chance to pick it we had nothing white. Great thing is that while we were on evacuation/vacation we stopped at Wal-Mart and found about 3 bolts of white fabric on clearance. It just so happened that I'd evacuated with my sewing machine. I stayed up all night making white ephods, and the next morning we had to drive three hours to catch a flight because we'd transferred our tickets to another state.

    (4) William Murphy was a keynote at one of the evening services. He reminded us that we were chosen to create an ark. We should carry the Glory of God.

    (5) Glad we made the push in spite of all the drama in getting to DP 2005. Praise God for the marvelous works he has done and has yet to do.
  • Hello Sistah Commissioners:

    1. Joining IDC almost a year ago. I was received with warm and what I believe to be, sincere sistahship. I actually started assisting Minister Valisha as her administrative assistant on the IDC site on facebook. I learned a great deal from Valisha who was very attentive and knowledgeable. From that experience I received an invitation to join as a potential coordinator.

    2. In this process it truly is stretching me to be my best and to apply skills that I did not think I had. IDC is wonderful organization and is truly a blessing to all dance ministries, ministers, dance company leaders. To have a place to come to to gain support, encouragement, resources, workshops, prayer and develop friendship and fellowship is a tremendous BLESSINGS. We need one another.

    3. I am in process still and I am learning something new each and everyday. I know that God is stretching me and developing as He is calling me to higher heights and deeper depths in Him. I am thankful for Minister Valisha, Minister Vioree. They have been a blessing to me here on IDC and in supporting on Jewels. Minister Ellaysa is very warm supportive and encouraging. In talking with here - I felt like we just connected. Sister Delicia is very warm and supportive as well. She supported me on my first event for IDC. "A Heart of Praise" Program where several ministries came together to lift the name of Jesus up in Dance. I miss her.

    4. I am looking forward to coming to Atlanta next month for the "National Gathering" to meet Apostle Sabrina (Mama of IDC). I just love here spirit, her genuine warm and love that she has indiscriminately for all the dancers. Her anointed and powerful preaching and teaching and her spirit of encouragement. I look forward to the impartation. I am both nervous and excited! I also look forward to meeting the other wonderful dance ministers as well. I am sure that I will be learning and taking something away from each of you.

    5. I am looking forward to sharing, learning and growing.

    This is how it should be. International - This is what the Church will look like when the Groom comes to get His Bride.

    Blessings AbunDantly to each of you.
    Denise Bethea
  • 1. After searching for some time and wanting to be a part of a Dance Network I watched this ministry for quite a few years and was pleased to see that God's hand is truly on this organization. I made the call and was WELCOMED with open arms, LOVE & SUPPORT.

    2. When I hosted my first IDC Workshop and the overwhelming response from the participants who attended was quite memorable. In particular, there was this one woman's testimony that I will never forget, "Rev.Tammy I knew God was calling me to a higher place in dance but I couldn't quite understand until I attend the "Prophetic Dance Workshop, Thank you for being obedient to the call and because I attended I now have clarity of my assignment as a dance minister."

    3. The support I receive continuously from my Regional Coordinator "Sis Valisha McFarlane". She has a special way of making me feel like EVERYTHING is possible and doable with Christ.

    4. Knowing that being a State Coordinator I will be busy but with the help of my co-laborers I will be busy, productive and effective and that's the difference being a part of IDC and knowing we are serving for a cause.

    5. Lastly, I remember when God first called me to minister in dance and I had watched a video by Sabrina Mckenzie entitles "Lord your Holy" and she had these beautiful flags in the piece. One day I took a chance and called her and to my surprise she answered and I asked how can I make those flags. She told me she had them made (feeling a little disappointed) she continued to say but you can get a fishing rod from Walmart, & the silk from a fabric store. I was so delighted and thank her greatly. We made the flags and it was a blessing to have them included in our piece. Seven years later, I am going to service as a Coordinator and I will be in the same position to help someone who wants to present their ministry with EXCELLENCE....
  • Winnie's IDC Blessings

    1. Being obedient by answering God's call to become a member of IDC and applying for area coordinator shortly after.

    2. There is a sweet peace that I feel being a part of this organization with such awesome ministers of dance.

    3.To have Apostle Sabrina as my leader and trusting her to hear from God, to help push me further in to my destiny. I am being S T R E T C H E D.

    4.My husband fully supporting me to be a part of IDC.

    5. Knowing that IDC is a safe place to grow because the huge amount of support.
  • 1. The excitement from the local food bank when I delivered February's donated food items as part of our Fish and Loaves Million Pound Food Challenge. We never know how our little can be multiplied in the hands of the Master. They were thrilled that someone took the time and thought of them.

    2. To be part of a strong network of believers from all around the globe that I can enjoy encouragement, fellowship, faith, strength, trials, tribulations and friendship.

    3. Pam and I taking Sukky on a first time adventure on the MARTA train back to the airport in ATL at the IDC Assembly 2009. Funny!

    4. Our Praise in the Park evangelism outreach in San Juan during Dancing Preachers 2009.

    5. Assisting and watching Minister Sabrina minister at our Northeast Regional Workshop in Stamford, CT 2009 and the overflow blessing of school supplies we were able to deliver to the community.
  • Memories

    1. When I got promoted to a regional coordinator and didn't know it, while the other coordinator was congratulating me.
    2.How last National Gathering I was asked to go and pick up a 15-Passenger Van and I'm use of driving a Honda Accord. After I got up enough nerves to go do it, it started pouring down raining on my way back to the hotel.
    3. When all sit in Bro. John Kennedy's class at one of the National Gatherings and cried like big old babies.
    4.When I drove to the church service during one of the National Gatherings trailing Apostle Mckenzie who was driving extremely fast and I had no idea where I was going.
    5. Bieng mesmerized by the wisdom of God that flowed through Bishop Earl.

    Ideas Generated

    1. Unity Tour

    Blessings Recieved

    1. All of the Coordinators in our West Region that have come on board, ready and will to work in the vineyard.
    2. The freedom and liberation given to me by my husband, to give a part of myself to IDC
    3. To have a dedicated and compassionate leader such as Apostle Sabrina.
    4. My Assistant Regional Coordinate Eryka Johhson who help me temendously.
    5. Being a part of this great vision (IDC)


    1. In 2008 I can remember when I was the Louisiana State Coordinator we had to make a short presentation of what was the vision for our state. One of my visions was to help bring unity to our great state and now it is finally coming to past.

    Photos (tagged)

    Gifts to put in IDC treasure chest

    1. The IDC street signs Yak made for each Coordinator which I still have.
    2. IDC T-Shirt
    3. Dancing Preacher Conference Name Badge
    4. The torn up "Gift Bag" Apostle Sabrina brought her iDance Sneakers in to the Fresh Wind Conference in 2009.
    5. A Picture of the entire IDC Worldwide Commissioners and Members.
  • Five Memories:
    1. Being introduced to IDC.
    2.Meeting Apostle Sabrina
    3.Being Deputized
    4.Being instilled and equipped with leadership training.
    5.Having my first foot washing experience done by Apostle. ( Along with a Powerful Word from the Lord)
  • 2008 in Atlanta was my first IDC experience and it was AWESOME! 1-A whole new world of ministry was introduced(revelation).....2-the workshops were powerful and had lasting effects(impartation)...3-connections were made with fellow dancers(support)...4-returned home with ideas not only for our ministry but outreach...5-still looking at the constant flow of blessings that has come from advancing in the KINGDOM(celebration)
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