IDC Conference Call Minutes 10/3/11




Pastor McKenzie opened the call in prayer at 9:05 pm



  • The word - "The Cost of The Anointing".  The anointing costs much.  Be willing to pray the price.  The tenacity to cross over into the promises of God.  The woman that anointed Jesus feet with oil.  It was very costly.  Preparing for the burial.  Many people have positions, titles but has God chosen you to rule and reign in his Kingdom.  How much does your anointing cost you?  Salvation is free.  What's the story behind the testimony.  The anointing takes places prior to the trial.  Has your ministry become an idol?  John 12:3.  He who has been forgiven much, loves much.  Love those who have not come into the fullness of their anointing.  Be willing to pay the full price.  The anointing is produced through the pain, the disappointments, God's strength is made perfect in those areas that are weak.  Not everyone is going where the Lord is taking you.  If you want to live in the abundant life that God has promised, go through it all, yield your life and give it all back to God.


  • Introduction of Regional Coordinators.  Ellaysa and Yakeisha.  The West Region leadership position.  North Region leadership position will also become open as Valisha transitions into operating as the Vice President of Operations.


  •  Holidays - Angel Tree projects, do a ministry presentation, partner with a toy store, witness to the children the love of Jesus.  Collect canned goods.  Be a blessing for those who are going through a hardship.  Be distributors to provide to the world, lenders to nations not borrowers.  Invite the homeless to your events.  Bring them in during the holidays.


  • Committee positions are open - Newsletters, Event Planning, Administration, New Area Coordinators and Leadership, Food Drive Initiative and Community Relations, Government Relations, Hospitality.


  • Epic Women's Leadership Conference - $75 until November 16.  If you are ready to go higher and do more this is for you!  We want to introduce this to the body of Christ - look at your ministry as a Kingdom business.  Skills and trade.  April 21 - 22.  T-shirts will be coming soon.


  • DPI Atlanta 2012 - July 31 - August 5.  We are expecting double the people.  Exhibitors marketplace, garments, dance schools, resources, tools, etc.  $5,000 scholarship for the group or individual that presents in excellence, technique and anointing.  We have all types of specials going on - free hotel rooms, free registrations, etc.  DPI registration will not be free this year.  Take advantage of the registration specials now!!  Full price after November 16.


  • Liturgical dance day - Romans 12:1 - A thank you for all you do for the ministry.  It's a day of arts education to explain what liturgical dance is.  Explaining to the community what we do with sacred dance for the community.  Parades, workshops, etc.  We have several states who have governors who have issued proclamations.  This speaks volumes in the spiritual realm when you have a secular governmental entity sanctioning worship.  There was no separation between church and state during David's day.  What would it be like if the governor's worshiped?


  • Upcoming workshops - Detroit (October 22), Columbus (October 29), Sacramento (November 3 - 5),  Maryland (December 10), Bahamas (February).


  • Testimony - Keneisha.  There is a stagnation in the Kingdom ministries.  There are a lot of prayer warriors that have kept them afloat.  But through DPI they have seen worship on another level and they want more.  We appreciate your gifts for being able to show and teach us more in God.  Prayer Request - Brandy - the dancer with pain, it's limiting her dance abilities.  Jacqueline (TX) - loss of her mother and trying to find her passion for dance again.


  • Pastor McKenzie closed the call in prayer and it ended at 10:12 pm


Roll Call:  Jacqueline Ward (TX), Julinda (VA), Tiffany (GA), Ashley (AL), Jessica (CA), Yakeisha (GA), Valetta (CA), Gail (VA), Maylene Adams (NJ), Nicole (IL), Aja Cooksey (GA), Laboris (MS), Elder Jean (MD), Ellaysa (IA), Shayla (NC), Alacia (VA), Yvonne (CA), Mariam (OH), Sukky (TX), Tracy Rogers, Enoch Commey (IA), Denise Bethea (MD), Donzella Smith (MD), Debra Werts (PA), Sukky (TX), Keneisha (Jamaica), Daphne (AL), LaKisha, Valisha, Pastor McKenzie

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  • Thank you so much!

  • Hi Daphane. I plan to post them tomorrow.
  • Hello, when will the November call minutes come out?
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