Roll Call:  Clara Fleming (TX), Karen McMillan (AK), Jowanna Smith (MN), Danielle Randall (MN), Voletta (CA), Nina Bukner, Ashley and Rashondra (SC), Jovall (GA), Kierra, Ashley Ramsey (CA), Felicia (AK), Mariam Whitehead (OH), Deborah (VA), Willehmena (MN), Misty (TX), Elder Tapika (GA), Peggy (MI), Daphne (Alabama), Laboris Cole (Mississippi), Evelyn (NY), Yakeisha (GA), Julinda (VA), Brianna (MN), Leah (MN), Denise (AK)

Call opened at 9:05 pm with Pastor McKenzie praying:

Agreeing for wisdom and provision , healing for the land, the army of the enemy has already been defeated, we are sending Judah first!!

Loose the fruit of the spirit over the ministries, the island, the nations and your people.  Release favor for tickets, hotels, passports, finances.  We thank Him that everywhere the soles of our feet will fall is blessed.  It’s the inheritance for us, our children and our children’s children.

It is nobody but God that this is happening!  All the glory to Him.


-          Free for International delegates.  You will still need to register to enter the sessions.  Pleas e bring ID so you can have a badge created on site.  Registration is still open now.  Let us know if you have problems with the website.


-          Customs – they will be going through bags.  Allow yourself enough time for baggage checks, etc.  Welcome staff will be at the airport Tuesday and Wednesday.


-          Bold and beautiful colors.  Wed (yellow), Thurs (worship garments), Fri (International night representing city, state, nation), Sat (DPI t-shirts)


-          Updated schedule will be posted online tomorrow

-          Speakers and facilitators will receive personal itineraries

-          Jamaicans will be welcoming us for Wed night service


-          Valetta (CA).  What to do if arriving early?

  • Transportation numbers are available to arrange your ride from the airport.  Emergency contact numbers are:
    • LaKisha Gary – 877-716-7117
    • Valisha McFarlane – 516-835-4863
    • Lorraine Coote – 876-862-4372

-          Caleesha.  When will service end on Sunday?

  • 12 noon

-          Ashley (CA).  How do we volunteer?

  • We need greeters, hospitality, room monitors, translators.  We will list the committees and the committee leaders.

-          Julinda (VA).  When is the graduation service?

  • Deputizing and Sons of Zadok (Thursday evening).  Please wear your white for your graduation.

-          Valetta (CA).  What do we wear to the classes?

  • Appropriate casual attire.  Sweats, t-shirts, shorts, etc.  Bring your toiletry bags – to freshen up throughout the day or do a quick change.


Prayer – Elder Tapika

God of the breakthrough.  Awake of Tribe of Judah.  Our assignment is to lift up the name of Jesus.  Every name, every tongue will bow to the name of Jesus.  We operate in unity and there is no other God, no other Kingdom (Daniel 2:44).  No agenda but to glorify you!

May a wellspring of life come up in the land of Jamaica.  The seeds we plant will bring forth a harvest of souls.  Come forth!!  We are surrounded around your throne decreeing that their land will be healed and every rough place will be made plain.  They are sowing into a great work for the deliverance of your people.

Thank you for all that sow that they are blessed.  All shall submit to the authority of God.  Favor! Favor! Favor!  Miracles, signs and wonders come forth.  You will be magnified, Lord!  We plead the blood over transportation, over the air and over Apostle.  May the glory cloud follow us as we return to our homes.

The call ended at 10:02 pm

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  • Hi this is Valetta , what is the schedule of all the workshop classess going to be?Could I receive a copy of that please?
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