IDC General Membership Call - 1/2/12

Monday, January 2, 2012, 9 pm EST




Call opened with prayer by Pastor McKenzie at 9:06 pm EST


The year of Divine Order, Divine Connections and Divine Reversals for a Divine Release.  The season of 12 - a number of government and a number of authority.



1.   The conferences DPI and Epic WLC - registration is open you don't want to miss!  More info at  Testimony given by Keneisha Lowe from Jamaica; Marita Young from London on via Skype (minus sound)


2.  Social media endeavor –we bombarding the flow of communication with positive information, kingdom building information.  Contact us if you desire to join the team.  Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, etc.


3.  Newsletter - articles, conferences, event recaps, blogs.  Please give it to us to share with others.  Submit items to Julinda, the editor, right on the home page.  International spotlight, we want to hear from you.  We don't want you to feel disengaged because of the barriers of time zones, language.


4.  Food drives - continues through 2012.  Bring canned goods to you meetings, workshops, etc.  Take your items to the local food bank.


5.  PCS group 2nd assignment is due - 3 goals, plans for your state conference and recommendations for an additional leader. 

  1. 35 new potential coordinators - today is the deadline for applying as they are moving forward with their 12 steps and assignments.
  2. First assignment winners are team 3!! (Members in the North Region) (Pastor McKenzie will fly there in November 2012 - select the city)
  3. Existing state coordinators - send in your annual plan, budgets and state conference details ASAP to Valisha.


Community Announcements: 

Worship and Warfare Conference in NJ (information will be submitted to newsletter).  New members from Arizona, Pennsylvania look forward to their new membership with IDC.


Pastor McKenzie released Martin and Patricia Smargiassi from Altar Builders Ministries to do the prophetic prayer and the blowing of the shofar.


Call closed in prayer at 10:02 pm EST


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