IDC Newsletter - URGENT!

Attention, ALL IDC Commissioners
If you have had a workshop or conference in the last 3 months,
PLEASE send a report of the highlights, testimonies and photos
to Julinda Lewis, IDC Editor,
by May 5th!
E-mail me when people leave their comments –

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  • girl like i said i am so confused.....PLEASE EXPLAIN....HELP ME PLEASE....LOL
  • Thank you, Cynthia. FYI - the TEN class is not an IDC event, although many of us are IDC members.
  • i was blessed to attend my first conference with IDC and got to experience the Tabernacle.....with the gate, the cross, cleansing water, entrance, showbread, altar, veil and the holy of was very beautiful the way the church was set up as the tabernacle..the ballet, jazz, and modern dance lessons were way beyond expectations and have already been incorporated into our ministry...i loved it and i am excited to see what the leaders are going to do at the next conference....TO GOD BE THE GLORY....
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