IDC Newsletter


Make your voice heard!

What has your chapter done in 2010 that you would like to share?

What worked for you that others might like to know about?

Please send your news and articles to Julinda Lewis by Wednesday, January 5, 9:00pm EST.


E-mail me when people leave their comments –

You need to be a member of InternationalDanceCommission to add comments!

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  • I like the 1st one..........
  • Actually I think  " IDC SPEAKS " Newsletter is a good name by itself
  • We worked with a Methodist church in a nearby town to make prayer banners.  On Sunday morning, they were presented, we did a production and then went upstairs to the children's department to train them to pray around each banner so they could stay focused on the symbols and what the meaning of each one was.  There was a leader in front of each banner - one for the family, one for government, pastors, our nation, souls, etc. It was neat.  What a rewarding part of the ministry. Pat and Gary
  • I want to go to Jamaica this year with IDC.....
  • My vote for the title of IDC's newsletter: IDC Speaks! "Liturgical Dance Today Around the World"
  • I vote for the 1st one as well. IDC SPEAKS!
  • God Bless you and all involved with this great work and move of God!


    I wanted to share the link for a blog that God put in my heart and spirit to write about unity in the Body of Christ.

    I pray that it is a blessing.


    And I vote for title #1

  • Hi Julinda,

     So sorry it says to vote by Jan 5th? I am just getting this, this morning the 10th??  my vote if it counts is for the 1st one

     Thanks for asking,

    MARIA  <><

  • I vote for #1 as the name of the newsletter.
  • Hello,

    I am a Praise Dancer but I am a Certified Heath and Wellness Coach and have several blogs that I do.  I would lke to share three links with you.....


    PraiseWorks -The Wellness Journey Blog

    The Wellness Journey!

    PraiseWorks Fan Page on FB


    I would be more than happy to add content to your blog when it comes to health and wellness.  Let me know how I can assist.



    Lynnis Woods-Mullins


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