IDC Question of the Month

We had a very powerful and engaging conference call last night. Part of IDC's vision is for members to share collective knowledge, Godly wisdom, resources and encouragement with each other in the worship and liturgical dance community.

Some of us have been leaders and dance veterans for over 10 years and some may be just starting out.  This Ning site contains close to 1000 members from all over the world. Let's utilize the wealth of knowledge and experience that is among us.

So, the question is commissioners:

What goals have you planned for your liturgical arts ministry/school in 2011? 

Please share at least 1 goal you know God wants you or your team to achieve this year.  Let us know a dream or vision God has placed on your heart for this year, for this season of leadership and ministry.

To hear of your dedication and motivation to be obedient to God may be just what someone else needs today!


Habakkuk 2:2-3 NIV

The LORD’s Answer

2 Then the LORD replied:

   “Write down the revelation
   and make it plain on tablets
   so that a herald[b] may run with it.
3 For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
   it speaks of the end
   and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it;
   it[c] will certainly come
   and will not delay.

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  • I would like to plan a "Night of Dance".  The vision is to invite various dance ministries to participate.  It would start off as a Workshop and end with concert/performance.  This event will probably be heavily publicized to draw a large crowd.  The proceeds, after cost, we go to the OGOT Dance Ministry.  Most of the proceeds would be to help the youth dancers obtain dance attire.  HOLDING THE VISION...MANAGING THE FACTS...KNOWING THE TRUTH!!!
  • Thank you so much for that scripture. Praise the Lord!!!
  • What goals have you planned for your liturgical arts ministry/school in 2011? 

    One of my 2011 goal for our Ministry CKW is to have a Unified Ministry Team to be one combined so that we may be Powerful, Effective, Productive, and Prosperous on one accord in the Ministry of CKW.


    2 Peter 1:5-8

    For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. 8For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • I am very focused and intune with the Lord leading to unify and reconnect the body of dance minister at my church as well as praying that maryland ministries will come together as one body.  I am being stretched in my leadership capacities as a whole. IDC, Work and at Church. God has impressed heavily to keep the bond of unity between sistahs and to reach out beyond the walls of the church.  He said that the work is plentiiful but the laborers are few.  Staying watchful and prayerful. That is where my focus is besides remaining faithful to all my assignments. 

  • I am focusing on expanding my leadership skills at both work and ministry.  I want to learn the skills  to coach ANY team I lead to execute their assignments with excellence, and to be fruitful and productive. I love when people have that "aha" moment (whether it's with dance choreography or fulfilling a project at work) and I know God has called me to motivate  all my team members to see and walk in their full potential.

    So I am reading more leadership/management books and taking a "High Performance Leadership" course through my job.

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