Have you ever found yourself at an event that is advertised as a Christian event. You know, the posters, flyers, everything says that it is a night of praise and worship through the Arts. I'm sure we have all been invited or just went on our own to fellowship with other artists in the kingdom...only to find when you get there...the opposite. Yes, they are dancing, miming, stepping, rapping, etc. to some form of Christian MUSIC.... but everything else is off. The clothing is inappropriate, the attitudes of the "artists" stink, even the movement is inappropriate or not in sync with the message of the song... and as a minister of the arts, your heart sinks a little, or outrage comes over you at the same time.This is definitely a time when people are drawn to the arts because they truly express the beauty of the Lord and His Kingdom. It is our job, as the ministers carrying the anointing, to make sure that the Kingdom is not MISREPRESENTED. If that means that you give yourself over to serving other ministries to give free workshops, etc. then do it! There are way too many young women who are dressing like they are going to a club, getting up in the pulpit and labeling it as ministry. No wonder there are so many pastors who are trying to block the arts from their churches if it's not a praise team or a choir. We still have young men who are still wearing their pants around their ankles and grabbing themselves while rapping about God changing them.. Where's the change? I love Christian rap and understand that is NOT what I'm against. I'm against a little knowledge being portrayed as much knowledge. You have to know that God will release you into your destiny and whatever area of the arts He has gifted you. That is not necessarily today. Give Him time to teach you, pour into and mold and strengthen those gifts before others are exposed to them. Otherwise, they can be perverted, corrupted, misinterpreted or aborted.I love you with the love of God. The Mature and Seasoned artists need to take in the young and mentor them. Don't take the attitude that you have arrived.Believe me, NONE of us have arrived!Young artists, please accept the help and council of the mature artists. (and know, that does not necessarily mean that they are older than you in age rather in spiritual things.)Just thinkingLace
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  • Thank you Sis Lace for addressing this issue.

    It is akin to when I rent/buy or go to see a "Christian Film" only to find out that the only thing Christian is the soundtrack and the film is full of bafoonery, carnality, immature characters and a terrible commercial of God's Kingdom.
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