Kingdom Practices - Your Weekly Food for Thought

Look Where He's Brought You FromIf you are going through a transition and not sure what direction to take. Look at an old high school photo and see how far God has brought you from. Then pusue love as God shows you a more excellent way! God is a Keeper of the flame.1Co 12:31 - Words by Apostle SabrinaQuestions to Ponder:1. Had their ever been a time in your life where you did not know which way to turn and God gave you His divine guidance and direction?Care to share?
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  • This is very much right up my avenue....God has always been right by my side. I am in a transition now because I know that God is leading me to do somethings different than what our church sees as tradition. I know that He is saying outside of the box....outside of the tradition of the four walls in the church. He is definately the keeper of the flame and I am intently listening for His voice for guidance every step of the way. Antionette, I am in a similar situation, I have not left my church, but I know God is definatley up to something.
  • Upon taking a sabatical and later told by the Holy Spirit, not to go back, I found myself without a church home. Apparently, God was trying to get my attention but I was doing so many good things for His Kingdom, but not doing the right thing. The Holy Spirit also told me that I had gone off course. I was stunned and couldn't fathom what to do, where to go next. Within days, God gave me a dream for me to go to a particular church in which I did. It was not the average traditional church, it had an awesome worship team. Even still, I wondered about my God-given 'gift' making room for me there. I attended three other churches and was criticized by my former pastor for me not knowing where to go. I almost committed myself to a church taking on their dance. A dream of me in distress with a baby in my arms in a shoot out, was a reality check for me to be obedient and get back to where God had sent me. The song, 'Jesus, take the wheels' was in my spirit. I allowed Him to do just that.....and after three years, I'm seeing the fruit and the blessings of my obedience. God has truly brought me far. He has healed me of my past and has taken and continually taking man made religious traditions off me. He's done a new thing in my life and in my church and has bought me there ....for such a time as this!
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