The best response to foolishness is none. God is Love and His children are love. God never gives us an excuse to act outside of this principle. If you were not doing something right the enemy would not have you on the hit list. The very fact that you are a target is an indication that you are a threat to the kingdom of darkness.Don't get bitter, get BETTERDon't hate but MOTIVATEDon't get weaker but grow STRONGERDon't stop but go HARDERDon't quit but PERSERVEREYou are a survivor, no I take that back you are MORE than a CONQUER!Don't ask why me, but WHY NOT ME? Have you considered my FAITHFUL SERVANT?Continue to demonstrate God's LOVE and watch your haters be SCATTERED.Psalm 68:1 - Let God arise, Let His enemies be scattered; Let those also who hate Him flee before HimJesus, Job, Martin, David, Moses, Paul and all the disciples were all on the list.If you are not on the hit list, consider your ways and get busy for the Lord! GLORY!
I was wondering why all darts, obstacles, hindrances, avoidances, attitudes, lack of communication, lack of collaboration, lack of connections, etc.... I must be on the right track then. Hallelujah! Thank's Ma!