God has prepared your end before He created your beginning. He is faithful to complete His Word.Now faith is the substance of things hoped for; evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1You don't have to see the whole staircase to take the first steps.Questions to Ponder:1. Are you willing to step out on faith? If so, please share.2. Why are you afraid to step into your future?Please share when your faith was tried.Words from Apostle Sabrina
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  • Wow, this any many scriptures pertaining to this has been set in my spirit for a few weeks now. My pastor has asked me to head a praise dance team for my church. The first thing I asked was "why me Lord"... I love dance, its part of me but I see so many other dancers that are much better, those that can minister to your sould by their movements. I am a work in progress. He is definitly working out something in me. So to answer this I must say that yes I am very afraid but obeying God makes me take that step of faith. He knows my skill level and will pour His annointing in me when I dance. Pray for me that I follow My Master's guidelines.
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