IDC General Membership Conference Call

Monday, 2/6/12




Call began at 9:07 pm


Marita Young (IDC London) opened in prayer.


Pastor McKenzie gave community updates

Epic updates:  Leadership conference for taking your ministry or business to the next level. – Atlanta, GA at Atlanta Airport Hilton.

Dancing Preachers:  Pastor William Murphy, Jason Upton, Pastor Jamal Bryant and many more. 

Sons of Zodak:  Accredited university degrees.  Classes have begun.

Be mindful the registration rates will soon go up for both conferences


Minister Sepia and Anthony Gladden – Set Apart International Ministries

The press – for the things of the Lord.  There shall be a reward. 

Exhorting the set apart lifestyle.  Living before the Lord and staying there.

Matthew 7:13-14

God is calling all of us to answer a higher calling.  Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life.  There are few who find it.  He is looking for greater integrity, holiness.  What does true, private intimacy with the Father look like– true peace, true purpose, true wealth, truly impacting lives of others, true favor, true deliverance, true abundance

Without it:  you will have confusion, bondage, frustration, routine with no fruit, stagnation, sin.  A form of godliness and it is not authentic.  If you do not repent you fall into the category of the ones that he says to depart from him – you are a worker of iniquity, lawlessness, practicing sin.  Does he really know you as a child with fear and trembling before him?


God knows.  Don’t be deceived.


True separation for the Lord.  Serving, but are you missing the intimate times with the Lord?  Don’t live in the gray – you have become numb to the sin.  His way is righteousness, justice, authentic.  Don’t become desensitized to the sin.  Pray and call it out.  Fight against it before you become it.


He wants more intimacy more communing with him.  Your very life, your destiny depends on it.  It will cost you.


What’s next?  The dancing of His word.  Minister His word.  Interpretation of His word.  Hebrews 4:12 – 13.  You will minister truth and people can’t help but get set free.  Isaiah 55:11 – the word will accomplish things.  The word has to break you first.  Let the word penetrate your heart, your spirit first.  Then you go forth.

  1.  You have to spend time with the Lord
  2. Minister the word
  3. When you go through this you will be persecuted – don’t take offense


Father forgive them because they don’t know any better.  You have to let the offense go.  The spirit of offense will hinder you from fully walking in who you are supposed to be in God.


Minister Sepia closed the teaching in prayer.

Last announcements and prayer requests: (Valisha)

-          We are still looking for volunteers for Dancing Preachers Conference – visit the blog on the home page

-          Monthly reports are due by tonight.

-          The conference call was recorded.  Notes from the teaching will be posted as well.

-          Deborah Werts and Family (lost her grandmother) and Royal Cooper and the state of Arizona (stir up the laborers to do the work of Christ in the vineyard)


Call ended at 10 pm

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