Good Morning IDC,

Yesterday Evening we got the awesome opportunity to go to the Covenant House, which is a shelter for the youth that were homeless. They not only provide shelter and food but provide programs to help the youth get back on track. We donated gently used shoes and clothes and then I offered up my testimony as encouragement followed by the gift of dance. God had His way in that place, we were scheduled to be done by 9pm but didn't leave until after 11pm...we prayed for them and talked with them about Jesus and how much He loves them. I have never seen a people so hungry, desperately but Actively seeking change. God began the process of healing broken hearts. They began to share their testimonies and we had a sanctified healing session. To God Be ALL the Glory!!! We look forward to building a great relationship with a great place! Take a look Family and be Blessed!

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  • To God be the Glory!! Thanks sis

  • Awesome Robyn! What a blessing Robyn!

  • Thank you so much for the encouragement it is appreciated and sincerely valued!!! I recently was invited to minister at Northeast Community Church for their youth Sunday and It blessed me to see the out pouring of God's Spirit among the youth. I invite you all to take a look and share in  the experience Thank you and God Bless!

  • Wbat a blessing.  Continue to serve and do God's Will.  Please share more of what you are doing to "Make A Difference.

  • This really blessed me...I'm sure the people were blessed as well...Continue to do God's Will.. :-)

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