Nehemiah's Approach To Change Leadership

Happy New Year!! It’s the dawn of a new month, a new year and a new decade and many of you may have to take on new projects, new roles and new jobs in 2010. The Lord directed me to study Nehemiah recently because of my desire to have his help and strategy to face some obstacles in the workplace. As I encourage and share with you the wisdom and insights I have learned, you will see this month’s article will help you:- Learn to discern and overcome workplace bullies and backstabbers- Understand how to implement new ideas, new projects and get results in an adverse work environment- Identify the steps needed to motivate your team to success- Be encouraged to perform your work in the spirit of worshipImplementing change is inevitable for any organization to stay relevant, productive and financially healthy. But what do you do when you, as a Christian, are called on to lead change and bring about new projects and policies for your company and you are met with ridicule and resistance? Let’s take a deeper look into the scriptures and explore Nehemiah’s strategy for success:Prayer Comes Before PlanningPrayer, fasting and seeking the Lord for direction are vital first steps to promoting change. God has supernatural wisdom and strategy available for you to succeed in your assignment, but you only receive these gifts by communing with your Heavenly Father who is the ultimate leader of change.As a kingdom woman in the workplace, petition the Lord on behalf of your employees, co-workers and clients. War in the heavenlies and declare victory over the forces of darkness that try to wreak havoc in your office, department, or organization. Confess the change that is going to take place and shift the atmosphere with your words of faith.Change is defined as transformation. That requires renewed mindsets and the breaking of strongholds. Sounds like spiritual warfare to me! And you thought you could set that new idea in motion with just an office memo. Fall on your knees and get the job done in your prayer time first. Then you will arise with power and strategy from the Holy Spirit to make it happen in the marketplace.Implement The Standard of Enthusiastic Teamwork and UnityThere are several steps you need to take to help gather your team to make your change initiative fail proof.1. Communicate the vision and establish a sense of urgency – address your team face to face to let them know where the group is headed and get them to understand that time is of the essence. Complacency can become an enemy to any project that is implementing big changes.But now I said to them, “You know very well what trouble we are in. Jerusalem lies in ruins and its gates have been destroyed by fire. Let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and end this disgrace!” Then I told them about how the gracious hand of God had been on me, and about my conversation with the king. They replied at once, “Yes, let’s rebuild the wall.” So they began the good work. (Nehemiah 2:17-18)2. Continuously remove the element of distraction and confusion – keep a clear statement of where you are headed visible to the team. When Nehemiah’s resistors scoffed at the project to try to shake the people’s confidence, Nehemiah replied with a clear, concise statement to get his team back on track.I replied, “The God of heaven will help us succeed. We, his servants, will start rebuilding this wall. But you have no share, legal right or historic claim in Jerusalem.” (Nehemiah 2:20)3. Create a strong change team with representatives from all levels within the organization – In Nehemiah 3, we see that Nehemiah organized workers from all levels of leadership and skill sets. His change team consisted of priests, goldsmiths, district leaders, fathers, sons, daughters, Levites and merchants. Effective change cannot happen as a mandate from the leader at the top. It must take place from the inside of the organization out. The spirit of teamwork must prevail to make the vision a reality. Build your team and inspire them. Assign tasks based on their strengths and interests and they will identify their purpose within the project’s mission.4. Reinforce the vision – you will encounter times when your employees and co-workers will become weary and begin to complain. If fear and anxiety has settled into the atmosphere, team morale will be low and they will feel overwhelmed and take a negative attitude toward progress. During these times, you must continue to effectively sell the vision and model the behavior needed to inspire and uplift the team to victory.Then as I looked over the situation, I called together the leaders and the people and said to them, “Don’t be afraid of the enemy! Remember the Lord, who is great and glorious, and fight for your friends, your families and your homes!” (Nehemiah 4:14)Discern The Element of Sabotage From Your ResistorsThe larger the change initiative will be the stronger the challenges you will confront. Be prepared to overcome the obstacles that try to hinder the progress of your project. The workplace is full of “border bullies” that will put up a wall of resistance as you lead them out of their comfort zone. Workplace bullies feel threatened and fear they will lose something such as status, power, affiliation, security, money or resources. Be prayerful so you may have wisdom and direction from the Holy Spirit on how to handle them. In Nehemiah 6, we see Nehemiah handle his opposers by not getting trapped by their methods of bullying, lying and intimidation.Stay away from negative, toxic people. They will suck the life out of you and cause you to be unproductive. Be determined to focus on being part of the solutions and not part of the problems. Negative people like to stay stuck talking about problems and they want their negativity to stick to you. Finally, be aware of your own self-sabotaging behaviors and negative self-talk. If you are not careful, you can wind up being your own worst enemy. A defeatist attitude will not put you on the road to success. Be a winner and not a whiner!Your Praise Is Your WeaponWith the praises of God in your mouth, you will be empowered to cross the finish line in victory. The giants you face in the marketplace may come in the form of bureaucratic or legal red tape, a lack of schooling, credentials, resources, and influence or you may have to deal with discrimination and harassment. But remember, you are anointed for business marketplace minister! Praise Him for the change that is taking place in your organization. It’s always about kingdom work and the glory God will receive during the process. Facing your giants is one way to make His goodness and power known to a doubting world.When Nehemiah faced a crucial point where his giants were threatening to put an end to all of his team’s hard work, Nehemiah instructed his people to work and then guard their work with their weapons.Meanwhile our enemies were saying, “Before they know what’s happening, we will swoop down on them and kill them and end their work.” The Jews who lived near the enemy came and told us again and again, “They will come from all directions and attack us!” So I placed armed guards behind the lowest parts of the wall in the exposed areas. I stationed the people to stand guard by families, armed with swords, spears, and bows.Then as I looked over the situation, I called together the leaders and the people and said to them, “Don’t be afraid of the enemy! Remember the Lord, who is great and glorious, and fight for your friends, your families, and your homes!”When our enemies heard that we knew of their plans and that God had frustrated them, we all returned to our work on the wall. But from then on, only half my men worked while the other half stood guard with spears, shields, bows, and coats of mail. The officers stationed themselves behind the people of Judah who were building the wall. The common laborers carried on their work with one hand supporting their load and one hand holding a weapon. All the builders had a sword belted to their side. The trumpeter stayed with me to sound the alarm. (Nehemiah 4:11-18)Intercede for your workplace and watch God move on your behalf. You are His servant, strategically placed in that company for a reason more than a paycheck. You are working unto God. Build and stand strong. Maintain an attitude of praise and faith and your time of promotion will come.Resources For Your Journey To Kingdom Purpose:Reflection QuestionsHow well do you adapt to change in your own life? Before you can lead other people, you must be able to lead yourself effectively.What barriers are you currently facing at work or in your business? What needs to change?Are you preparing to succeed or are you sabotaging your progress with your words? Rehearse your success by the way you think, dress and speak.Let Me Partner With You On Your JourneyEmail me at to submit a prayer request or praise report regarding your marketplace ministry assignments.© 2010 Valisha McFarlane
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  • Here is Marta De Agostini's post translated by if IDC is willing:

    Thank you for this beautiful explanation. I work on house on the computer, but I must work equally in team and have to do with many persons who do not believe in God. To a person I have testified of my faith, but then it has not more contacted me. Glory to God. When I can, in any case, I do present time that I dance for the Gentleman.
    I am responsible for the Ministry dance of my group of prayer Charismatic Renewal - International Society New Life to Fish pond of the Garda (Italy)... I it am a short time ago a time because other responsible persons have gone away in other directions and other groups. It is not simple to follow these girls whom the Gentleman has asked me for of serving, never goes well as we dress, what is proposed to dance. I each day that's all right for them, I have told them to do as much, but I see what they make a labour. I hope with the new year that you lead so many novelties into Christ. Hallelujah
  • Wow this is a wonderful and timely message even though I am seeing this for the first time on this date: 8.20.10 as I am new to IDC. ~ Christie ~ I am going to share this with my Pastor as well... :)
  • Grazie per questa bella spiegazione. Io lavoro a casa al computer, ma devo ugualmente lavorare in team ed ho a che fare con molte persone che non credono in Dio. Ad una persona ho testimoniato della mia fede, ma poi non mi ha più contattato. Gloria a Dio. Quando posso comunque faccio presente che danzo per il Signore.
    Sono responsabile del ministero danza del mio gruppo di preghiera Rinnovamento Carismatico - Società Internazionale Vita Nuova a Peschiera del Garda (Italy)...lo sono da poco tempo perchè altre responsabili se ne sono andate in altre direzioni e altri gruppi. Non è semplice seguire queste ragazze che il Signore mi ha chiesto di servire, non va mai bene come ci vestiamo, cosa si propone per danzare. Io ogni giorno prego per loro, ho detto loro di fare altrettanto, ma vedo che fanno fatica. Spero con il nuovo anno che porti tante novità in Cristo. Alleluia
  • This is a powerful narrative. I am going to grasp it and HOLD ON!!!!
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