On Mission with God

On Mission with God

May He work in us what is pleasing to Him. - Hebrews 13:21

In Word

Are you on a mission with God? It's an important question to ask, isn't it? Our God looked upon this rebellious race and saw a world festering with need. He saw brokeness and pain, despair and disease, and sin and rebellion. He saw a lost race. How did He respond? He met the need. It was His nature to do so - - He's driven by love and mercy.

That's not all. He has given us His nature. Not only did He meet our deepest needs, He has drawn us into His redemptive work. We aren't just recipients of His grace, we are ministers of it. We labor together with Him. The eyes of the biblical God search His creation, and when He finds brokenness, He points it out. All around us are hurting people and sinful lifestyles. The God who sent Jesus into this world to save us sends us into this world to further His mission. Why? Because He wants to work through us to meet the needs. The God of compassion, mercy, peace, and hope wants to use us as instruments of compassion, mercy , peace and hope. He doesn't often reveal Himself out of context. Instead, He reveals Himself through His people.

That's the picture of the New Testament church. God has drawn us into partnership with HIm to demonstrate that our salvation is complete. Redemption wasn't just about getting us right with Him, it's about getting us completely in sync with Him. We are to reflect Him in every way that He has revealed Himself, and part of our reflection is to have a zealous compassion for those who need Him. He works in us to accomplish His will, because by being like Him,we glorify Him.

In Deed

So the question remains. God has revealed Himself to you in some degree, but the issue now is whether He is revealing Himself through you. And for a world in desperate, screaming need of a God who cares, your answer to the question is critical: Are you on a mission with God?

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  • Good word Denise. May we be able representatives and compassionate conduits of God's Grace and mercy.
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