Can someone help me I'm a flag leader and we just started dancing with praise and worship team . I am Season but the others are not  the praiseteam is flowing with my bishop  thats fine but the rest of the flag dancers need more rehearl time  and the praiseteam is saying they need to be able to flow  which i  know but how do you get them to that place

sometime i feel like they let there flesh get in the way so  I'm asking for help. Am i asking to much from them knowing that they are not season

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  • Following the leader does work with flags as well.  We practice movements and Sundays they follow me.  When the group is small, its easier and then the followers can become leaders as the group gets bigger.  I use signals and  head motions to indicate direction and  movement.  The assistant in praise and worship now emails me the songs for Sunday (which helps a lot) so I can have more time to decide which flags to use and movements.  Especially if I can get it for our rehearsal.
  • Oftentimes, we rotate each person lead a song and the others follow.  One tip I got from a former member is have members close their eyes and flag the movements.  Sometimes flagging without flags (just arms) as if they would be flagging to get comfortable.  Also my dance teacher, which I do with the flags also,  would put a song on and let people flow in class so they can flow also.  Of course, each person need to find time alone with God to practice at home.
  • thanks i will try that
  • Hello sister, maybe you can have 10-15 movements that they can practice over and over again. Then you could possibly have a "spot leader" maybe yourself. So they can mirror her movements until they are able to move prophetically.
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