Ready, A.I.M, Fire!!!!!!

God: Go!

Us: I'm not ready yet

God: Go!

Us: Maybe tomorrow God, I should be ready by then

God: Go!


Often times God is calling for us to go forth in him but we hold back because of our own insecurities and what we consider limitations, Forgetting that where we are weak HE is strong. HIS strength being made manifest through us not only trumps our limitations but causes those limitations to be the very stage that God showcases his glory and power.  In our last months Word Series on "Grace" my pastor (Dwight Radcliff, Message Center World Church) walked us through God's Grace in a way that I had never experienced before.

It was the very message series that forced me to look at my life and all the 'limitations' I tried to hide. Insecurity and fear of failure that stops me from being who and where I should be in God. When God would say Go! I would say No! Not because I wanted to be disobedient but because I spent so much energy detailing my inabilities that I didn't spend enough time looking at God's abilities.

I want to encourage you to cast down fear and insecurity.The bible says in 2nd Timothy 1:7 that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.  It is the devil's mission to have you so focused on what you can't do that you forget what God can do. 

Forgetting my limitations I allowed God to lead me back to dance :-) God is saying A.I.M....Anointing in Motion

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  • Thank you for sharing....very encouraging
  • Thank you so much for sharing.  Truly an on time word.  Be Blessed.

  • Thanks for sharing this my sister. It truly encouraged my heart!!!! Learning to trust Him more!!!! 

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