Running or Resting

Hello blessed and special one! If I could reach through this page and give you a big warm blessing hug I would. I am always so encouraged and blessed by your prayers and loving kindness. In this month of thanks giving, I’d like to give thanks to the Lord for you. I’m so grateful for your support and encouragement, for upholding Dancing for Him Ministries in your thoughts and prayers.

I’m also so grateful to the Lord for what He has done in the hearts and lives of so many people this year. He touched, changed, set free, healed and delivered countless numbers during the conferences and retreat. I’m always amazed at the tremendous work He does through the arts and I give Him tremendous praise and glory!

In this newsletter, I’d like to share a few things:

About the recent Holy Ground conference
Transforming Arts Conference with Leonard Jones
Free T-Shirts With Extra Early Registrations
2011 Schedule
Hosting a Conference
DVD Sale Through 11/15
On Line School Progress
A Biblical Word Relating To Movement
A Choreography Tip
Running or Resting

Holy Ground Conference

Last weekend we drove about an hour and a half, from Lakeland, Florida down to Myakka City. As we got further and further away from shops, restaurants, gas stations, we began to see more and more cows, land and trees. As the country roads twisted and turned we found the heart of downtown Myakka City with it’s one flashing traffic light and one exceptionally good restaurant.

We rejoiced to finally find the Myakka Family Worship Center. Though it may have been way out in the country, the warmth and hospitality of its leaders and members were well worth the scenic drive. We immediately felt right at home during the set up process. They went way out of their way to make us feel welcome and an instant part of their church family. It is such a blessing to be sent by the Lord to even remote places to bring His message of healing through prophetic arts. I’m continually amazed at how the Lord sometimes sends all these people to small country towns to be at the conferences. The thing that really blessed me, though is all the prayer that the host church did before the event. It wasn’t just the dance leader, but also the Pastors and many of the church members. Some even fasted and prayed. I could certainly sense the evidence of that effort in the unified loving atmosphere. Tears began to flow as Read more...

Here are just a few of the conference testimonies:

Awesome! This was my first dance conference ever. I was so very blessed and I loved the last break through. I could do that over and over again. I have learned so much about worship in dance. Pamlyn - Bradenton, FL

What a powerful experience in the Lords Presence!! Pastor Lynn Hayden’s anointing and vision for purposeful dance ministry was fresh. I received so much from the prophetic word she spoke over me---and it was confirmation for the Lord’s will for my life. This weekend was so refreshing. It was just what I needed from the Lord! Shaana - Brandon, FL

Hi Lynn, We owe you both a THANK YOU ,THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! We were so blessed , encouraged, lifted to the next level in praise and worship, and brought into the presence of the Lord Yeshua!!!!!!!! Our Pastors Kathy and Lynn could not say enough about the anointing that fell and the glory that surrounded all of those who attended. It was a pleasure to host this conference and a first in this city for the dance.. We are ready for war! We will cut off the giants head!We are victorious in Yeshua! We pray for renewed strength for you Lynn and for Wil. Wil, you are a book of knowledge!!!! We were blown away by your wonderful teachings!!! All I can say is WOW!!!! We are overcome by His LOVE!!!! And we are Dancing For Him Shalom. Judy - Myakka City, FL


To see photos from the conference, please click here.

Transforming Arts Conference with Leonard Jones
Coming up February 10-12, I’ll be teaching at Covenant School of the Arts’ Transforming Arts Conference. It will be entirely different than a Dancing For Him conference and something you do not want to miss! Click here for more details.

Free T-Shirts With Extra Early Registrations
The first two DFH conferences of 2011 will have a nice incentive to register early. Quite a bit of planning goes into the preparation of each event and it is always nice to do things with a spirit of excellence. There are initial expenses for each event, so to help cover those costs, we’ve prayed about a new incentive to encourage everyone to register extra early.

For the Wellspring! conference near Palm Beach, Florida, February 4-5, 2011 , those who register on or before December 15th, 2010 will receive a FREE Dancing For Him T-shirt and a 20% off coupon for any on line download order through December 24th. Once you register, you’ll receive your coupon via email. You’ll receive your T-shirt only upon check-in, at the conference. This offer is limited to the first 50 people who sign up by that date. Register today!

For the On Eagles’ Wings conference near St. Louis, Missouri, March 18-19, 2011, Read more...

2011 Schedule
The 2011 conference schedule is filling up much faster than normal. There are only 5 time slots on the calendar open for other conferences. Otherwise, the schedule is full. As I’ve said before, please don’t just wait for one of the conferences to come to your home town, pray about which one you should attend. The answer may surprise you. In 2010, we had someone from Ireland come to the one in MA. Someone from Alaska came to SC, as did people from PA and other states. The one in NC, someone flew in from CA and so on... It is not too early to begin praying and planning for you ministry’s growth and refreshing in the Lord. There are already people registered for the Palm Beach, Florida and St. Louis, Missouri conferences. You won’t want to miss them. Register today! Here is the conference itinerary.

Just click on a particular conference and a huge information page will open. See you next year!

Hosting a Conference
As I mentioned, there are only 5 more spaces open for next year. If you would like to have a Dancing For Him conference at your church, please read the host page (to see if your church qualifies), get absolute permission from your leadership and then get in touch with me quickly, before all the spaces are gone. I can not guarantee a 2012 schedule.

DVD Sale Through 11/15
Some of you may have seen the special that went out last week. It was announcing that if you purchase 2 DVD’s (hard copy w/disc), you’ll get the third one free. Take advantage of this special while it is still available, only a few more days. Click here for DVD’s.

On Line School Progress
To be quite honest with you, I haven’t made a whole lot of progress on the school structuring, as I’ve been traveling and preparing for conferences in between events. I do, however, plan to pray more focused prayers toward a 2011 beginning. It is all so new to me, quite a change from traveling, but in the long run, because of the internet, more people will receive ministry and teaching who otherwise would not have been reached. So, I will continue to complete the syllabus during my time off the road this season. I’ll keep you posted as things progress and time draws more near for it’s launch.

A Biblical Word Relating To Movement
Halal - (Praise) To be clear; to shine; to make a show; to spin around; to rave; to boast, and thus to be clamorously foolish; glory; give in marriage; praise; rage; renowned; to celebrate. This is the root word for Hallelujah, and is the mot basic and widely used word for praise in the Old Testament.

I CHRONICLES 29:13: Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name.

This, as well as over 360 other dance related scriptures, is found in my Dance, Dance, Dance book. Order your copy today. Get the corresponding DVD as well!

Also, these words and scriptures are listed daily, on a rotating basis in the web site here. Keep checking back.

A Choreography Tip
If you are going to incorporate prop use during your dance, be mindful of where you place them on the stage, in preparation to pick it up. For example: If you will be incorporating flags later on in the dance, do not place them up stage or at the back of the dance area, where you would have to turn around and bend over to pick them up. Can you visualize why? It would be better to place them to the side or at the front of the dance area for easy, ‘swoop by’ pick up.

There are many, many Do’s and Don’ts in the Divine Choreography book and ‘acted out’ at the end of the Dance Composition DVD.

Running or Resting
In an effort to stay busy and be productive, I had fallen into taking things into my own hands. It is an insidious problem, often going undetected. Security is a big thing to most women and I’m no different. I had been on welfare and food stamps once and never want to go back. So, it seems like the race was on - running to maintain security and from fear of poverty.

However, one night a few weeks ago, the Lord visited me with His most wonderful warm, comforting presence. I relished every second of the experience, then fell into a deep sleep. Upon waking, He


Please stay in touch and pray about attending one of the conferences. I do look forward to seeing you. May the blessings of the Lord overtake you! I am:

Dancing For Him,
Lynn Hayden
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  • Lord bless you...
  • Lynn - You are phenomenally AWESOME! - God bless you for all that you Do.
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