Sealing Doors In Our Past Lives

Destroy completely all the places on the high mountains and on the hills and under every spreading tree where the nations you are dispossessing worship their gods. Deuteronomy12:2

We must completely seal ourselves off from the things in our past that would cause us to faulter in our walk with God. So many times I have prayed that the Lord would close the doors of my past and as I was praying the other day, the Lord said that those doors must be sealed because a close door can be opened but a sealed door can not, nothing can enter and nothing can be let out. May the Lord seal the doors in our lives that the enemy has been having free passage and may the Lord open new doors of opportunity for his Glory to be revealed in the lives of those that seek him.

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  • Praise God yes yes Amen
  • amen
  • Kimberly this right here was a true blessing to me. The enemy has been busy....Lord seal the doors! Amen! Sistah.
  • And The Church Said AMEN!!!!!! Good One!!!!
  • Aman! father I bow down at your feet in totle praise and worship for the many doors you have open for me and for closeing the ones I open that wasn't for me.
  • Amen Mininster Batiste! I love it.
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