The Great Hight Priest

For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to understand and sympathize and have a shared feeling with our weaknesses and infirmities and liability to the assaults of temptation, but One Who has been tempted in every respect as we are, yet without sinning.

I bring Greetings to you from New York.  The Lord our God is so in Love with you.  He desires to keep our hearts and minds in perfect peace but, your mind must be stayed on Him.  We have so many obstacles in our lives that keep us from the perfect peace of God.  We entangle our own selves with the heavy yokes of Sin causing us to once again be slaves to it. Slaves are some of the hardest workers especially when there is a hard taskmaster in place.  You might think that the sin is what the work is but that’s not the truth.  The real work comes with trying to hide it.  Think about the measures you take to keep people from knowing your sin.  Some of us will overwork our gifts in the church to deceive people into believing everything is well in our lives and God is really using us.  I was once this person.  This is not the life God desires for us.  What changed my life was is the midst of me sinning and doing what I wanted to do, I heard the Lord in a clear voice say “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you”.  He said this to me over and over again until I believed it.  This proves the Word of God to be true when it states that the Love of God bring us to repentance.

Jamaica is waiting for the Sons and Daughters of God to arise.  We must have our hearts and lives in order and filled with the Spirit of God.  It’s time to break up the fallow grounds of our hearts so that the Word of God can not only be planted but grow as well.  Today God says to you “I know your shortcomings and your sins and your lack of faith but in the midst of that I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.” Believe it...

Today let the Love of our Everlasting Father bring you to repent before Him today and turn you from your old ways of doing things.  Jamaica is ready so we must all be of one heart and mind to go and rescue our Brothers and Sisters from the yoke of the enemy.

I love you guys so much.  Be blessed in Jesus name and let’s take over the world for Him.

Much Love,


P.S, And how can men [be expected to] preach unless they are sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings! [How welcome is the coming of those who preach the good news of His good things!]

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