The Measure Of The Seed You Scatter Will Determine The Size Of The Harvest You Reap___________________________________________________"He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly and he who sows generously will also reap generously."2 Corinthians 9:6 (NIV)___________________________________________________The forefathers of the United States of America sowed an abundant seed, going far beyond anyone else's visions and dreams. After years of late-night wrangling with the Continental Congress and the agony of the savage Revolutionary War, a new government designed to honor man's right to worship God was underway. Its top executive, however, needed a place for himself and his family to dwell. By the year 1800, the "President's House" was completed and occupied. Just fourteen short years later, however, British troops brazenly set ablaze the grand edifice. By the next morning (what many call a "sign" from God), a hurricane with tremendous winds doused the raging flames, saving the great house's shell. The charred skeleton was amazingly harvested and reaped as a symbol of freedom for all.As you study this principle, you may find yourself in a season of lack in your finances. If we desire any increase in our life, we must be willing to sow more in the financial arena than ever before. But remember-without sowing a seed, there can be no harvest to reap. Everyone can give while things are going well. But those who give during the times of struggle, as did America's forefathers, really impress the heart of God. We must establish a plan of giving more to God so He can then begin to release more finances in our lives. Let me encourage you to continue the flow of giving during times of lack. Do you recall the widow woman who gave two pennies when she had barely anything to give? Jesus favored the widow woman because she gave out of her lack, not her abundance. I encourage you to do the same.Daily ConfessionFather, I thank You that I am a generous giver. I sow abundantly knowing I will reap abundantly.
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  • Amen!
  • Ellaysa - What a Word! I'm in agreement with you. We must be givers......ABSOLUTELY! God is a Giver - so must we Be!
    Blessings AbunDantly - Denise
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