The Potential of Your Spirit

The Spirit of God has some desires. I believe these desires areGod's original predestined will for your life as written in the bookdescribed in Psalm 139:16. If you allow the Holy Spirit to fellowshipwith and minister to your spirit, and you remain hooked up to theSource of your potential, then you will live according to the knowledgeof God's revelation of your true potential. God has information onyour ability and potential that will astonish you and your family.The measure of your true potential is hidden in the Spirit of God,It can only be tapped by a relationship between your spirit and His.Go after the deep things in God that are related to you as the deep ofyour potential calls to the deep of the Omni-potent One. Decide todiscover God's concept of your potential.God has information on your ability and potential that will astonish you.Excerpt : ( Exploring the Potential of Man's Triune Self - Body, Soul and Spirit - Dr. Myles Munroe Devotional)The Key to know your true potential is to know your Source - GodMan is a triune being: body, soul, and spirit.The spirit is intended to relate to God, the soul to the mental realm and the body to the physical environment.Death is isolation from the spirit world. We are spiritually dead at our physical birth.Your body is not the measure of your true potential.Your soul (mind, will, and emotions) is not the measure of your true potential.The measure of your true potential is your spirit.God's desires for your life are discerned by your spirit through fellowship and communication with the Holy Spirit.
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