The Power of Influence

Merriam Webster define Influence as "the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command, or power exerted over the minds or behavior of others."

What does this mean? It means that we have the ability to affect the behavior and minds of others without putting forth any effort. As Christians we are to have a major affect on the those around us. The environments we are placed in should show evidence of change from our presence. Noticed I used the word "should" meaning ought to. But in most cases we are not. Instead of having a positive effect on our environment, that environment and the people in it are effecting us. We are becoming chameleons. Websters defines a chamelon as "a person given to often expedient or facile change in ideas or character; one that is subject to quick or frequent change especially in appearance" A chameloen will jump on a green leaf and turn green, a brown branch and it turns brown. It goes through all of these changes just to "blend in" We as Christians often do the same thing. We compromise and jump on various leaves with our buddies. We jump on the leaf with the homosexual crowd, the drinkers, smokers, clubbers and fornicators because our friends and peers do it. We want to blend in and not be the odd man out. Now tell me whats wrong with that picture?

As a Christians we are to be salt and light. (Matt 5:13-16) The Bible declares that what fellowship has light with darkeness? No man can serve two masters either you hate the one or love the either. (Matt 6:24) You can't be a fence straddler. Either you choose to serve God whole heartedly or you serve the devil. The choice is yours. Romans 12:2 says "do not be conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." This means that we are to change the world not the world change us!!! We are not to embrace the customs and behaviors of the world. When we give our lives to Christ, it should be evident. Our character should not be questionable. People in the world are more judgemental that our own fellow Christian brothers and sisters. They will be the first ones to catch you slipping and point out "I thought you were saved?" And they will pass the word along like wild fire "Oh so and so ain't saved like they say they is...." What kind of company do you keep? Who are the people we call friends? Many of us really need to sit down and take a look at who we hang out or associate with. Hmm lets see old joe blow smokes weed all the time and never goes to class, he just hangs out on the yard all day trying to sell drugs, Jane doe oh she sleeps around,but she's undercover about it. Little Timmy he chases girls all day there's a different one coming out of his dorm room every morning- I see them checking out at the front desk as i leave for class. Judy she lies too much,but she's my friend did you know that she stole money out of my purse once? Tyrone he drinks all the time, but he's the crunkest fraternity guy i know!! Angie curses like a sailor but she's so much fun to hang out with. Terry is a closet homosexual he thinks no one knows but we can tell. Do any of these people remind you of any of your friends or are one/some of those people you?

The Bible declares to come out from among them and separate yourselves from them. Don't touch their filthy things and God will wlecome you. (II Cor 6:14) If any man be in Christ he is a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun.(II Cor 5:17) This means that as Christians we are supposed to be different! We are peculiar people remember? To separate means to set a aside for a specific purpose. The old life is gone do not look behind you but look forward. Lots wife looked back and you know the outcome of that story. We should be having a positive influence on the people we call friends not vice versa. When we began to compromise, we are opening the door for trouble, we give the enemy a foothold in our lives. God told Cain that if you do what was right you will be accepted but if you refuse to do what was right to watch out , sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you, but you must subdue it and be its master.(Genesis 4:7) If we do not allow the Holy Spirit to help us master sin then we become victims just like Cain. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. Sin will tell you oh this one time won't hurt, its ok to do this. It does more damage than you think.

You ran well but who hindered you? Who (or what) has held you back from following the truth?(Gal 5:7) What people or strongholds in your lives are hendering your walk with God? A wise man fears and departs from evil, but the fool rages with reckless confidence(prov 14:16) We are to plant seeds of righteousness another waters and God grows them. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom but fools despise wisdom and instruction (Prov 1:7) Its time to cut off those ungodly relationships. My prayer is that we all search our hearts and do some housecleaning. Whatever is in your heart will manifest itself. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks!! David prayed that God would create in him a clean heart and even asked for forgiveness of his secret hidden sins. Dont be a follower a chameleon, blinded by sin thinking that God is not aware of your doings. The BibThe le states that there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, nothing secret will be made known. Gods eyes and ears are in every place beholding both the good and the evil.(prov15:3) Surely your sins will find you out (Deut 32:23)

As children of God we have the power of influence, we have the power to effect our environment and not let it effect us. We have the power to draw lost souls to Christ, we have the power to help build up the kingdom we have the power to drop kick the devil and let him know that team we play for and that we mean business!!!! All the chameleons; its time to get off the fence and make your declaration!! Choose this day who you will serve!!!!
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