The Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel

Deuteronomy 32: 8-9

People followed a prideful king... who made a decision to build a large tower that reached to the heavens so they could get closer to God.
The King Nimrod wanted to be famous.

His focus was the tower, not the people.... Some leaders are focused on the building itself - not the people. 

God divinely ended it - He ended it by confusing their language.  The people began to scatter because they couldn't understand each other any longer. 

The entire project was never completed and everyone dispersed going their separate ways. 

Divine acts are created by God.  
Your own will is something totally different. When people declare war on you, by making a decision not to communicate - You O Saint, Communicate with God, and wait on the Lord. 

The Tower of Babel

Saint,  this is where the term "babbling" comes from. The people heard one another but it was as if they were babbling. Incomprehensible words. God disinherited those people and claimed a new people as His own: Israel 

The will of People operating in the flesh : They Gossip, Plot & plan behind the back(s) of those who they want to fail. They plant seeds of discord. The Language of others become Incomprehensible babbling. Especially to those with newborn ears. 

If they don't like what you're doing or how you're doing it, instead of communicating it to you they become confusing.  (Beginning to Babble with others).

The work doesn't get done. 

People leave when there's confusion instead of communicating. This isn't a divine act from God, it's the will of man. It's a conscience decision to be unhelpful.
If this happens to you - Wait on the Lord. 

The Tower of Babel was an act of God, not an act of man.

Wait on the Lord! 

We should never play God in life by telling others what to do, what to build, who to speak to, and where to go. 
Go to God. When all doors close -

Go to God! He isn't confusing. He's crystal clear. 

We are not slaves. Slavery is over. God shifts and moves divinely. Not because someone is instructing like puppets. King Nimrod, because of his pride led his people into confusion. 

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