To My Sisters

God is calling for a move of women. Women are the backbone of our society. We are the carriers of life. We can relate to Super Woman, and Wonder Woman, the Bionic Woman but most of all unfortunately to many of us relate to Cat Woman. We are strong forces in this world and can be a strong tactful enemy to the kingdom of darkness. If we would band together and use our power for good. The power of life and death is in our tongue and with it we can build a man’s self esteem or rip out his manhood. We can encourage our children to greatness or hinder them from being the men and women that God has called them to be. But mostly we use that power to tear down other women, weather it is for not being good enough or being too good. God is calling us to lend a hand up not a hand in the face. To build our sisters up not tear them down. To be that village that it takes to help each other raise our children not the warriors that hunt them in the night. What would it take to walk pass a co worker’s desk and speak a kind word, or pass the lady on the street and give a caring smile? As women we should support each other, we should encourage each other. God is calling for this movement across nations. This is not a chain letter for you to send to 10 women so you can be blessed, set free or healed, but for you to give a kind word, a caring smile a needed hug or a pat on the back to someone that you know and love that you know and really don’t like (let’s keep it real) or someone that you don’t know and you may see every day. Then blessing and freedom and healing will happen naturally for all of us, women, men, boys and girls.God we come to you today as women asking that you would transform our minds, that you would cleanse our souls and heal our hearts from the hurt and pain that we may have suffered by the words or hand of another woman. Forgive us if we have been the one to give the harsh blows that may have caused hurt or pain to another. Forgive us for not praying for each other more and talking about each other less. Forgive us for not being true sisters in you walking as examples before our children and for teaching our little girls that it’s ok not to like someone for no reason other than our own selfish motives. God help us to help each other. To support each other. To be kind and caring towards one another. And speak your words in love. Help us to not only reach out to a lost and dying world, but also to that sister sitting next to us on Sunday morning, in the next cubicle on Monday and at the PTA meeting on Tuesday, and where ever we are whatever day of the week it may be. Let us be more like you towards each other. Each one of us. AmenAgain this in not a letter to bring about prosperity but my own personal conversation with God this morning that I felt compelled to share with the women I love. So share it if you like however let the change first begin with you. You meaning each one of us. And if you are already there then praises and honor to God, but before you make that bold statement please think about it, pray about it let God show you if you truly are, no one has to know but you and Him.Bless you all, and LoveYour sister in ChristTanya
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