True Worship

A Poem written by a very dear friend who just attended our Annual Creative Arts Gathering "The Winds are Shifting: Where are the Real Worshippers?"True WorshipI love you Jesus...I want to love You morewith a pure heartLet my time with You not be out of religious obligation ordriven by my desire's motivationbut out of genuine LOVE for Youlet my worship be pure and undefiledwithout wrath or doubt....or selfbut let it be WHOLLY consumed by lovewhere I am dead and there is no stinking, putrid, carnal fleshbut rather spirit to Spirit...onenesswhere I worship You in spirit and in truthwhere i cease to bewhere it's You consuming meNot some moral outward displaybut an inward submissioninward crucifixiona yieldingsurrenderan outer expression of whats inside...if it's flesh (self) then flesh will be seenif carnality is within then that is what will be seenaffecting no one for the Kinglet it be Your Spirit working death to self, crucifixionthus bringing about transformationWe have not been true worshippersthat is why there is no transformationthat's why people are not drawn, souls not set freebecause it is us that they seebecause we exalt self in worship...idolatryWorship is where I cease to be and Jesus Arrives (AMEN!)in HIS GLORYIt's there where I can be usedwhen it's no longer meIt's not about what I look like, how I sound...nor what I wantIt is pure when it comes out of a yielded, broken, sacrificed, crucified heartthat is truly the heart of worshipIf it draws attention to you its not worshipit's not what you do on sundays and wednesdays (or whenever u meet with ur Christian friends)it is a consecrated LIFESTYLEOur lives must worshipWe've given Him the lame, the spotted, the crippled, the half-hearted, the lukewarmand ohhhhh the stench of itohhh the contempt of it...the vanity...the insanity....the calamityThis is why the root of all sin is the gratification of SELF becausethe devil knows that where self is exalted God cannot behe desires to steal our worship to God and tries to get us to worship selfIf our praise and worship is only to get something from God it's not His worshipworship is giving ALL TO all up FOR HIMso for those who are not saved, how do you become a TRUE worshipper:No man comes to God unless he is drawn by the Spirit of when He does draw you don't ignore Him, surrender and repent He fills you with His Spirit and you become a true worshipper if you continue in His wordfor those who are saved: Die, De-throne, Crucify, Surrender, YieldRomans 12:1,21Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.--Keowa Rucker
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  • Amen, I love it! True Worship.
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