Hello All,

Please be aware we are in search for volunteers to join committees and assist us with Dancing Preachers Conference Planning.  If you have a heart to serve in one of the following areas, please reply to this post and one of the committee leaders will get in contact with you.

Transportation Committee

Room Monitors

Hospitality Committee

Corporate Acquisitions/Marketplace/Vendors Committee

Videography and Photography Committee

Security Committee

Coordinator for International Delegates

Speakers Coordinator

Fitness Committee

Information about the conference and registration information can be found at www.sabrinamckenzie.org

We look forward to hearing from you!!!


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  • Hello everyone!!

    We thank you for your wonderful responses thus far.  DPI Executive Staff had a conference call yesterday evening.  Here are a few things:

    You all will be invited to the next Dancing Preachers Staff Conference Call on Tuesday, March 13.  These calls are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays for you to receive your assignments and to give progress updates. Pastor McKenzie gives us progress on the conference plans.  Please make plans now to attend this call

    We are in the process of choosing the song and then you be given instructions of how to access the videos to learn the choreography for the corporate dance.  I'll keep you posted.

    I will post the list with the committee I have you signed up for shortly.

  • Hello I am not a photographer but am interested in volunteering in the Videography and Photography Committee.

  • Hi Valisha


    On my assignment, I had audio and video and International Delegates. I had asked La'Kisha if I could help with that. I sent an email to all the international delegates on the ning site.

    I know that you have others interested in doing this so I am happy to pass it over. But I just wanted to let you know that I had already started sending messages. They are about 80 international members but only 19 of them have signed up to the International Group. I had asked them to sign up to the group as it took a couple of hours to go through all the members to see who the international members were.

    If you need a list of who they are, I have it which would save time for those who going to be the International delegates coordinators.

  • I'm interested too in the corporate choreography dance...looking forward for the infor your be sending concerning this and the song. Valisha, I think you have my 2 committees already: Hospitality & Marketing/Vendors.

  • Hi Ladies...what is Nations Dance? Do you mean the corporate choreography dance piece we will do at Dancing Preachers? I will ask Pastor about the song she chose and will forward more information soon.
  • Hi All

    Thank you for your willingness to support and serve at the great conference! We are expecting great things! More information about the committees will be forthcoming. I will be submitting the list of names to Pastor Sabrina soon.

    The speakers coordinator position requires extensive hospitality and meeting planning experience either as a corporate professional or entrepreneur. It would most likely include an interview. Please let me know if you or someone you know is interested and has the experience.
  • @Melanie and Beverly - I have you down as wanting to work with the international delegates. Great!
  • Hi! I would like to volunteer as coordinator for international delegates or speakers coordinator during DPI. Please explain what the nations dance is as I would also want to take part in. Other Languages spoken: French and Creole. Blessings!
  • Hello, I would like to volunteer for speakers coordinator....I am also interested in participating in the nations dance. Thank you.

  • Hi Beverly are you back in the states or still over in Kuwait?.  How are things going?

    What is Nation Dance?  I never heard of that.  Let me know and I'll see if I can help you.  What is the dates of your planned arrival to Atlanta for the Dancing Preachers conference?

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