

Volunteers Need for Dancing Preachers International  (DPI) Conferene 2012 - (Hospitality Committee)


If you plan on attending the DPI 2012:


I am looking for people who have a servant's heart and have the gift of hospitality.  If this is your gift or you believe

you have a servants heart and spirit,  I need you to join our committee.  If this fits you, please inbox your name

and email by responding to this blog or you may inbox me. 


I'd like to to start planning and sharing with this team as soon as possible. 





Denise Bethea

IDC MD State Coordinator

IDC Intake Greeter

Hospitality Coordinator


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  • Sister Denise,  It was a pleasure talking with you as always.

  • Thank you Deborah for calling in on yesterday evening.

  • Correction:  Hospitality Committee Conference Call on:

    Friday, June 8, 2012

    Time: 8 pm - 9 pm

    Dial In: 1-218-339-6483

    Access: 43263#

  • Greetings DPI Hospitality Committee,

    There will be a teleconference on April 14, 2012. 

    Dial In#: 218-339-6483

    Conference Passcode:  43263#

    All Hospitality committee members are expected to attend. Thank You!

  • Food for Thought:

    Thinking about hospitality so much has made me question how I come across to people. Am I as hospitable as I can be? Am I showing that love that Christ wants me to? Am I friendly on and offline? Do others see Christ in me everywhere I go?

    Most of you are probably familiar with the pineapple being the universal symbol of hospitality. In colonial days, the pineapple was the highest form of hospitality to guests. It was put in the center of the table for company and often used for dessert for guests. It eventually became something that homemakers would stitch on tablecloths, napkins, quilts, and any surface they could express their hospitality to their guests on. We find pineapples carved into architecture of old homes and even furniture.

    My goal is that I set out some pineapples in the future and etch more of them in my speech and attitude towards others. I think some pineapples of smiles, friendliness, kindness, and some good deeds for others might be in order.

    So, have you set out some pineapples?

  • Great Call on tonight Hospitality Team!

    Call opened at 8:05 pm

    Prayer by - Minister Denise

    On Call:  Deborah Werts, Elder Jean Bonds, Lady Phyllis Hurst

    Discussion:  Recap of our very 1st teleconference call. (Dancing Preacher's Conference, Facilitator's, Guests, our assignments, as it relates to this conference, services that will be rendered)

    What is Good Christian Hospitality?

    Hospitality refers basically to how we treat other people. Are we cordial, receptive, pleasant, generous? Do we treat other people in a manner as we would a guest?

    Romans 12:13 - tells us how all Christians are to behave.  We should be hospitable people. It does not matter where we are.  We should be "given to hospitality."  "Given to" is such a powerful phrase. It means that we are prone or disposed to something. We have a tendency or an inclination to it. When we are "given to" something we just automatically do it. It's part of our nature.   Hospitality refers to how we treat people.  Think about how you want to be treated as a guest.  We need to be great listeners, attending to the emotional comfort of our arriving guests, which builds trust in the services that we are providing.  People remember Great Service!  It is a reflections of ourselves but most importantly to God and the organization we are representing.  We render our services unto the Lord.

    It's important that we provide a memorable experience for the guests that we are serving, which in our case provides repeat "fellowship."  It takes ongoing attention and consideration to properly serve people in a way that they appreciate.   It does not feel like work because you are serving in one of your gifted areas.

    We are working as a unified team.  No big 'I's or  no little "You's.  Things run more smoothly when we work as a cohesive team  providing excellent quality service.  As they say, "Teamwork makes the Dream work!   God will be pleased, you will be pleased and Pastor Sabrina will be pleased:>)

    I don't think we can show this love to others if we turn them off the first time we meet them or have contact with them. This is why we have to be "given to hospitality" like it says in Romans 12

    Another scripture that references hospitality is: 1 Peter 4:9 - Use Hospitality to one another without grudging.  If it is innate in you, there will be no grudging service just phenomenally great Christian Service which I know each of us will provide. People want to feel welcomed, loved, and have some kind of affection given towards them. That falls to us as a Christian. We are the ones Christ left to do that. Christ wants us to show His love to others. A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. John 13:34,35

    Anyone can be hospitable.

    Close out prayer:  Elder Jean Bond

    Call ended: 8:40 pm

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  • Greetings Hospitality Committee Members,

    There was a call on tonight but not enough members called-in outside Debra, Patricia and myself so I am rescheduling this teleconference call again for next Saturday, March 30, 2012.  The call in information is the same but I will post it again below:

    Saturday, March 31, 2012

    Time: 8 pm - 9 pm

    Dial In: 1-2-18-339-6483

    Conference Passcode:  43263#

    I look forward to sharing and hearing from you all then.  Also, if you have not shared your personal email with me and phone number, preferably your cellphone number, kindly post it hear in our box this way I can send you an email and/or text.  This will be one or our major ways of communicating at the DPI conference.

    Until then.....Blessings

  • Hello Min. Denise I recieved the message for teleconference that time is good


    thank you

    blessings right back at you

  • Thank you I look forward to our call




    blessings right back at ya :)

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