We Are Soldiers!

I'm A Soldier!Put on the whole Armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. - Ephesians 6:11Scripture Gem Reading:Ephesians 6:10-18Because I love music, particularly, Gospel Music....the song "I'm A Soldier" comes to mind and keeps ringing in my ear. Perhaps God wants us to know that in this world we will have trials and tribulations and that our enemy (notice I said "our enemy") because we have a "common enemy" his name is satan. That old bezzlebulb, the devil, lucifer, the adversary....whichever name you want to call him. He is our enemy. He roams the earth going to and fro seeking whom he may devour. He is always busy on his job. He send out his emps to do his biddings and they report back to him. They are in complete harmony with one another. They are never against each other. They agree with each other.So this song keeps ringing in my ear to let me know that I am a Soldier in God's Army and I have to be prepared for the battle! We have to be prepared for the battle. There is a battle y'all! Keep living! To be prepared for the battle we have to been in training and we have to have some preparation for the battle ahead. The bible tells us to put on the whole Armour of God so we can withstand the fiery darts of the devil. He did not say that the fiery darts would not form. However, God has given us some things to protect us from the enemy's fiery darts, his schemes and tactics. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.Now keep in mind you cannot have half of your Armour on because God said we have to put on the whole (full) Armour of God because we are not wrestling against flesh and blood (meaning humans) but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. This is a spiritual battle and you cannot fight a spiritual battle in the natural. You must be prepared to fight this battle spiritually: Here is what you need: Your lions girt about with truth, your breastplate of righteousness, your feet shod with the gospel of peace, your shield of faith, your helmet of salvation, and most important - your sword!; which is the Word of God!I know that sometimes it looks like the enemy is winning, when we see the enemy reeking havoc in our homes and destroying families. I know it looks like the enemy is winning when we see the approval of same sex marriages. I know it looks like the enemy is winning when we see our youth confused about their sexuality and experimenting with drugs and with rebellous attitudes. I know it looks like the enemy is winning when we are having problems on our jobs and the boss is driving us crazy. I know it looks like the enemy is winning when our finances are tight and we are juggling from pay period to the next just to make ends meet. I know it looks like the enemy is winning when we hear the news around the world about all the killings in foreign countries, murdering and killing, gangs and violence, and every sort of wickedness. I know it looks like the enemy is winning when their is no unity in the church and people are in certain clicks and not speaking to and being loving to one another like we should. I know it looks like! he is winning!The devil is not against himself! The devil is not against his emps! They are together. They are not divided! They are actually a team. They absolutely getting along. They are on the same page; on one accord. What am I saying Saints?! We got work to do. We have to get along. We have to work together. We have to stop hating (yes, I said it) on one another in the church! Picking and choosing certain people to do this and that....pulling some up and holding others back.....some are good enough to do this and others are not good enough to do that....Some speak to certain folks.....and some don't speak at all.......No wonder there is no Power! What is going on in the House of the Lord! No wonder the devil is reeking havoc! He sees our dis-Unity. He's laughing saying look at them! They cannot even get along more or less talk about love and unity.....What do they call themselves doing?....where are they?.....they are not together.....they call that together....Hah???? He see that we are not authentic.....He hears what we say about one another when no one's around.....he sees how we treat each other....... you know the devil comes to church too!!! We let him in....we let him come in and reek havoc in our ministries.....in the choir, in the dance ministry, in the music ministry, in the nurse's ministry, in the usher's ministry, in the security ministry, in the women's and men's ministry, in the youth ministry, in the missionary ministry, in the deacon ministry, in the pulpit, we let it happen....The questions is: What are we going to do about it???? This is Spiritual! This is Spiritual Warfare!When all God's children get together in U-N-I-T-Y - THERE IS POWER! There is Power in U-N-I-T-Y. Dis-Unity is one of the enemy tactics. THIS IS SPIRITUAL! Come on Saints! We got to tear his kingdom D-O-W-N!But guess What?! The devil is defeated! He is already a defeated foe! This is why he is rushing around stealing, killing and destroying.....because he knows that his time is limited. IT IS SHORT! He already knows that he is defeated. We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ! We have the blood of Jesus that is covering us! Our God is a mighty God in BATTLE! - OUR GOD! and He cannot and will not fail us! I say Soldiers gird up and prepare for the Battle! We are in it! - To Win it! We will not shrink back!, we will not give in!, we will not give up!, we will not sit down! We are not afraid!, we are not fearful! We have God on our side and that is more than Enough! Soldiers Prepare for Battle!WE ARE SOLDIERS IN THE ARMY OF THE LORD!Thought for today: (For God hath notgiven us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7) Hallelujah!Blessings AbunDantly - Denise
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