We Are

I believe we are all precious in the sight of Lord and that if we are seeking and chasing after God, His Glory will be revealed in each of us.We Are....Loved by God John 3:16Forgiven Col. 1:14Confessing the Lordship of Jesus Over Our Lives - Phil. 2:11Saved by Grace through Faith - Eph. 2:8Loving God with All of our Hearts, Souls & Minds - Matthew 22:37Born again Children of God - Roman 8:16Delivered from the Powers of Darkness - Col. 1:13Redeemed from the Hands of the Enemy - Psalm 107:2Called with a Holy Calling - 2 Timonthy 1:9Created in His Image - Roman 8:29Not of This World - John 17:16Of God's Household of Faith - Gal. 6:10In Love with God - 1 John 4:19Seeking First His Kingdom & righteousness - Matthew 6:33Abiding in His Love -1 John 4:16Healed by His stripes - 1Peter 2:24Free from fear - 1 John 4:18Crowned with His Loving Kindness & Tender Mercies - Psalm 102Redeemed from the Curse of the Law - Galatians 6:10Free from the Law of Sin & Death - Romans 8:32Heirs of Eternal Life - 1 John 5:11-12Heirs to the Blessings of Abraham - Galatians 3:14Heirs of God & Joint Heirs with Jesus - Romans 8:17Blessed with all Spiritual Blessings - Ephesians 1:3His Workmanship created in Christ Jesus - Ephesians 2:10Strong in the Grace that is in Christ Jesus - 2 Timothy 2:1In Right standing with God 2 Co. 5:21Established in Righteousness - Isa. 54:14Living in His Kingdom - Col 1:13Humbling Ourselves, Casting all cares upon Jesus - 1Peter 5:6-7Getting our needs met by Jesus - Phil 4:19Able to be partakers of the inheritance, giving thanks to the Father - Col. 1:12Studying to show ourselves approved of God - 2 Timothy 2:15Awakening to Righteousness & Sinning not - 1 Co. 15:34Commended to God & the Word of His Grace which is able to build us up - Acts 20:32Believing God's Word - Mark 13:31Blessed because we hear the Word of God and we Keep it - Luke 11:28Abiding in Jesus & His Words Abide in Us - John 15:7Always meditating on God's Word - Jos. 1:8Living by every Word that Proceeds from God - Matthew 4:4Rooted and Built up in Him & Established in the Faith - Col. 2:6-7Building our house upon the Rock - Matthew 7: 24--25Being Transformed by the Renewing of Our Minds - Romans 12:2Increasing in the Knowledge of God - Col. 1:10Letting the Truth set us Free - John 8:32 , 36Covenanted to God - Hebrews 8:6, 10Filled with all Joy & Peace in Believing - Romans 15:13Doers of The Word - James 1:22Sons & Daughters of God - Galatians 3:26The Body of Christ - Ephesians 1:22-23Laborers together with God - 1 Co. 3:9Servants of the Most High - Acts 16:17Having the Mind of Christ - Phi 2:5Walking in the Newness of Life - romans 6:4WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE! WHO ARE WE? WE ARE WHO GOD SAYS WE ARE.
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  • Very Encouraging Words.
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