When I see the blood...

In Exodus 12, God tells the children of Israel, When I see the blood, I will pass over [pesach] you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt. At this time of year, Jews and Messianic believers commemorate Passover/Pesach for a whole week. We know that Jesus is our Passover. The Lamb of God. But does God see the blood? Does He see the blood in your worship? Does He see the blood in your ministry? Is the blood wiped over the doorposts of your heart? Is it over the doorposts of your dwelling, your home? I mean really!? Not are you saved (hopefully you are on this site!). But is the blood fresh? And flowing? And putting demons to flight (I mean the real ones, not the imps that are influencing those people who are working your nerves...) Or is it kind of dried up?

Believe me, I'm talking to myself. Like many people, I use my Facebook page for networking. For building my business contacts for the more-or-less secular business I have in my belly. But for this week-- against the so-called "conventional wisdom" to not be too "personal", to stay away from religion, politics and the like -- This week, my spirit said "Bump that!" Because the blood IS fresh in my life. Today. And HE IS THE LAMB OF GOD. BEHOLD--He takes away the sin of the world! Our Father wants to see the blood, in everything we do.

And my spirit has been crying out that many of us have forgotten... many people -- in the church -- are just going through the motions. Not that our worship isn't sincere. But when is the last time you tarried until you were TRANSFORMED -- really changed? When you just stayed on your face in His presence and didn't want to get up, lost all sense of time, because you were in His Eternal Presence, outside of time? When's the last time you saw an entire congregation caught up -- for longer than the allotted and expected time? (If it was recent, please let me know where you were. I may want to come visit!)

This week, I hope we are more concerned with truly ushering people into the presence of the Most Holy God. Rather than whether our dance garments are completed on time. Rather than whether Sister so-and-so is going to go left when everyone else is going right. Rather than whether or not you are going to nail that leap or that pirouette. Rather than [YOU fill in the blank]. But that God (and everyone else) SEES THE BLOOD!

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  • Such Powerful words THE BLOOD. Wow I got chill bumps and could feel the anointing rising up at me at the computer as I read this blog. Thanks for being such a strong soldier in these trying times. I must check myself to see if the Blood is still fresh. God Bless you Carol
  • Selah.
  • What a Word!
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