Why do you dance?

Praise dancing has grown over the last several years. Ministries that once denied dancers from using their gift in the church has reach out and accepted the call to the ministry of dance that rest upon so many dancers. I have even noticed how much I have grown in my spiritual walk and life period just selling out to dance and allowing God to use me. With the prophetic anointing on my life to minister the word of God through dance, I realize that I'm not dancing for myself, but I'm dancing as a watchman to warn the people to humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, to encourage a single mother that she can make it, to encourage a father and a son, to lift up the bow down head, to cause nations to come to know the true and living God and put away their images, idols, and false God's and come into the knowledge of a true & living God who can do anything but fail. I dance to destroy yokes and lift up heavy burdens, I dance to set the captives free. I dance because I am happy, I dance because I am free, I realize that I am dance, and the power of the Holy Spirit, rest within me. Dance, and Be Free?

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  • I dance to set the captives free. I dance to lift up the name of Jesus with Holy Spirit. When I minisiter in dance and someone is down, I lift them up. Worshipping the Fathr is the best thing that I ever could have done. I look over my life and just say Thank you
  • Hallejuah!!!! yes, yes, yes, We are truly moving instruments of music

  • Thank you for posting this - great insight! I'd like to add one reason I dance - to show the body of Christ that there is freedom in worship and that there are many ways to express their hearts to God. As you said, it ministers to others in many potential ways. It tears down strongholds of fear! Praise God...

  • AMEN!

  • Amen, yes indeed. I'll tell anybody across this nation, dance is not to e taken lightly. I can just see angels in heaven ministering in dance and it is such a glorious glow!!!

  • Amen sister.  It is much more.  Even when I don't feel like it, the spirit of the Lord falls and the dance is on.  Do I need music to dance? NO!!!  Let a prayer request be needed with the flags, it is ON!!  The more I learn, the more I grow in HIS presence. It is all consuming, all powerful and with the WORD, it is AWESOME!!!!

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